    The Murders in the Rue Morgue

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  • 离奇凶杀,失窃信件,人们发现受害者被反锁在屋子里,血迹斑斑,凶手是怎样进入房屋?又是怎样离开的?奇怪的口音、怪异的毛发、巨大的掌印,这一切又是怎么回事?真正的元凶又会是谁?一封失窃的信隐藏着什么天大的机密?它能救助皇室成员吗?它现在又藏身何处?“侦探小说的鼻祖”爱伦·坡继续演绎着令人着迷的推理故事世界书林中不乏有著名的侦探一一飞利浦.马诺,威客,莫尔斯巡警和福尔摩斯.然而出现在现在所有这些名谈之前的是巴黎的奥古斯特.杜邦先生。他并非警官,也不是一个真正的侦探。他是一个性格温和酷爱书籍和阅读的年轻人。但是他聪明至极,理解能力高人一等。他对莫尔格街发生的可怕的凶杀案产生了浓厚的兴趣,因为它是一个未解之谜。是谁杀害了老太太和她的女儿?这场凶杀案为何如此粗暴凶残?凶手又是如何逃出房子的?有众多谜团?却没有谜底。“诀窍,”奥古斯特.杜邦说,“在于问恰当的问题。然后就可以找到谜底。”

    "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe published in Graham's Magazine in 1841. It has been recognized as the first modern detective story; Poe referred to it as one of his "tales of ratiocination". Two works that share some similarities predate Poe's stories, including Das Frulein von Scuderi (1819) by E. T. A. Hoffmann and Zadig (1747) by Voltaire.

  • 内容简介
  • 《书虫•牛津英汉双语读物:莫尔格街凶杀案》讲述了:世界书林中不乏著名的侦探——洛杉矶的菲利普·马洛、芝加哥的维克·沃肖斯基、牛津的莫尔斯巡官,当然,还有来自伦敦的神奇的舍洛克·福尔摩斯。然而出现在所有这些名探之前的是巴黎的奥古斯特·杜邦先生。他并非警官,也不是一个真正的侦探。他是一个性格温和酷爱书籍和阅读的年轻人。但是他聪明至极,理解能力高人一等。他对莫尔格街发生的可怕的凶杀案产生了浓厚的兴趣,因为它是一个未解之谜。是谁杀害了老太太和她的女儿?这场凶杀案为何如此粗暴凶残?凶手又是如何逃出房子的?有众多谜团——却没有谜底。“诀窍,”奥古斯特·杜邦说,“在于问恰当的问题。然后就可以找到谜底。”

    "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe published in Graham's Magazine in 1841. It has been recognized as the first modern detective story; Poe referred to it as one of his "tales of ratiocination". Two works that share some similarities predate Poe's stories, including Das Fräulein von Scuderi (1819) by E. T. A. Hoffmann and Zadig (1747) by Voltaire.

  • 作者简介
  • 埃德加·爱伦·坡(1809~1849)十九世纪美国诗人、小说家和文学评论家,在世时长期担任报刊编辑工作。其作品是在任何时代都是“独一无二”的风格。语言和形式精致、优美,内容多样。侦探小说鼻祖、科幻小说先驱之一、恐怖小说大师、短篇哥特小说巅峰、象征主义驱之一,唯美主义者。受到过爱伦·坡影响的主要人物有:柯南·道尔、波德莱尔、斯特芳·马拉美、儒勒·凡尔纳、罗伯特·路易斯·斯蒂文森、希区柯克、蒂姆·伯顿、江户川乱步等。爱伦·坡最著名的文艺理论是“效果论”。坡力图在自己的作品中先确立某种效果,再为追求这种效果而思考创作。他在《怪异故事集》序中称“自己的作品绝大部分都是深思熟虑的苦心经营”。

    Edgar Allan Poe (born Edgar Poe; January 19, 1809 – October 7, 1849) was an American author, poet, editor, and literary critic, considered part of the American Romantic Movement. Best known for his tales of mystery and the macabre, Poe was one of the earliest American practitioners of the short story, and is generally considered the inventor of the detective fiction genre. He is further credited with contributing to the emerging genre of science fiction. He was the first well-known American writer to try to earn a living through writing alone, resulting in a financially difficult life and career.

  • 目录
    • 内容简介
    • 我的朋友奥古斯特•杜邦
    • 凶杀案
    • 证人的证词
    • 奥古斯特•杜邦造访莫尔格街
    • 声音和窗户之谜
    • 这是疯子所为
    • 奥古斯特•杜邦的访客
    • My friend Auguste Dupin
    • The murders
    • What the witnesses said
    • Auguste Dupin visits the Rue Morgue
    • The mysteries of the voice and the window
    • A madman has done this
    • A visitor for Auguste Dupin