     The Mystery of Allegra

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  • ¥3.50

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  • 当你醒来时,看到锁着门的房间里突然出现了一个小女孩,这时你会怎么办?

  • 内容简介
  • 故事主要说的是,主人公阿德里安在意大利亨德森庄园度假时,在庄园住的头天晚上遇到了一个面色苍白的小女孩,小女孩阿利格拉要求阿德里安带她找到她的妈妈,阿德里安不知怎么办。奇怪的是,亨德森庄园主人的女儿也叫阿利格拉。但是,经过询问,阿德里安发现庄园主人的女儿并没有在晚上的时候找过阿德里安。后来,阿德里安与庄园主人的女儿成为好朋友,并且,主人公离开后,就一直写信给阿利格拉,可是一直都没有回信。直到过了一年终于有了回信——阿利格拉因病死了。之后,主人公去意大利学习,寄宿在一个意大利家庭里,巧的是,那家人有一个女儿也叫阿利格拉。主人公在寄宿的晚上又碰到了他原来在庄园头天晚上见到的一模一样的阿利格拉,到底是怎么回事?阿德里安在寻找答案之中又发现了更多的谜团,到底又是些什么?第一个阿利格拉是一个幽灵,当主人公让她和死去的妈妈团聚时,这里生病的阿利格拉康复了,亨德森庄园的阿利格拉也复活了。

    "Bookworm • Oxford English and bilingual books: Alicante Glasgow Mystery (2) (for early 2, the junior 3)" The main contents are: her 5 years and 3 months, wearing a long white nightgown, has blonde hair, big eyes like Italy, like the summer sky blue, soft and sweet voice. She wants her to find Adrian distant mother. Adrian holiday, working with parents traveling with in Italy. One night, they came to Henderson Manor, decided to stay overnight. Wake up late at night, Adrian found the room a little girl, she Jiao Ali Guerra, had blue eyes, cold hands. Adrian first surprised, and then he remembered hostess Chiara Henderson said that he had a little daughter. Alicante Glasgow Why can her mother in a far away place? And Adrian bedroom door was locked, Alicante Glasgow is how come it? Adrian puzzled, decided the next morning to the whereabouts of Alicante Gera mother asked what was going on, but he was waiting for a bigger mystery.

  • 作者简介
  • 福尔曼出生于英国,并在英国成长。当他旅游时,他经常教国外的孩子英语,尤其是在意大利旅游时。

    Born and educated in London, Peter Foreman taught English to overseas students, mainly in Italy, where he has travelled extensively.

  • 目录
    • 1. 阿利格拉一
    • 2. 阿利格拉二
    • 3. 阿利格拉三
    • 4. 拜伦勋爵的女儿
    • 5. 巴尼奥阿里波
    • 6. 阿利格拉四
    • 版权页
    • 1. Allegra One
    • 2. Allegra Two
    • 3. Allegra Three
    • 4. Lord Byron's Daughter
    • 5. Bagno a Ripoli
    • 6. Allegra Four
    • 版权页