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  • “书虫•牛津英汉双语读物”选材科学:所有题材均出自世界优秀文学名著或原创佳品;英汉对照:在当页提供汉语翻译,便于学生及时印证阅读效果;注释语言点:当页提供语言点、生词注释,方便学生抓住核心词汇;配有练习:方便学生检验阅读效果,把握语言点。

  • 内容简介
  • 1647年,贝弗利四个孩子——爱德华、汉弗莱、艾丽斯和小伊迪丝——正藏在新森林里。这时,英国国王被关在狱,全国各地都在打仗——克伦威尔的人和国王的人打仗。而如果你是支持国王的,你可就极度危险了。孩子们的父亲为国王作战时牺牲了,他们的母亲也死了,克伦威尔的士兵烧了他们的家,他们没有钱,没有食物,什么都没有了。但是他们有个真正的朋友——老雅各布·阿米蒂奇。所以现在,在雅各布的帮助下,他们必须学会靠土地生活——学习在森林里猎食,学习种菜,学习喂猪养鸡。但是到处都是克伦尔的人,孩子们必须学会永远不能说出他们是姓贝弗利。

    1647, Beverly four children - Edward Humphrey, Ai Alice and little Edith - was hiding in a new forest. At this time, the King of England was kept in prison, all over the country at war - Cromwell and King's people to fight. And if you are the king's support, you may extremely dangerous. The children's father, when fighting for the king sacrificed, their mother also died, Cromwell's soldiers burned their homes, they have no money, no food, nothing. But they have a real friend - old Jacob Armitage. So now, at Jacob's help, they must learn to live off the land - learning to hunt in the woods, learning to grow vegetables, learn pigs chickens. But everywhere Ke Luner people, children must learn to never say what they are Beverly surname.

  • 作者简介
  • 弗雷德里克·马里亚特Frederick Marryat(1792~1848) 英国皇家海军上校,皇家科学院成员,也是狄更斯的友人。航海类型小说的创立人。在英国海军服役长达24年,退役后专事写作,其作品多根据其漫长的海军生涯写成,如《海军候补生伊齐先生》(1836)。还写过一些儿童读物,较有影响的有儿童历史小说《新森林的孩子们》(1847)。其名作《加拿大移民》讲述了坎贝尔一家因为遭遇变故,举家移民前往加拿大,战胜莽莽森林里的种种艰险,家道逐渐兴旺,又返回英国的故事,具有当时历险小说的各种主要元素。

    Captain Frederick Marryat (10 July 1792 – 9 August 1848) was a British Royal Navy officer, novelist, and an acquaintance of Charles Dickens, noted today as an early pioneer of the sea story. He is now known particularly for the semi-autobiographical novel Mr Midshipman Easy and his children's novel The Children of the New Forest, and for a widely used system of maritime flag signalling, known as Marryat's Code.

  • 目录
    • 1.快逃!
    • 2.森林里的生活
    • 3.爱德华外出拜访
    • 4.赫瑟斯顿先生的秘书
    • 5.国王的士兵
    • 版权页
    • 1.Escape!
    • 2.Life in the Forest
    • 3.Edward Goes Visiting
    • 4.Secretary to Mr Hetherstone
    • 5.Soldier of the King
    • 版权页