• 导读
  • 李嘉图是英国古典政治经济学的主要代表之一,也是英国古典政治经济学的完成者。他早期是交易所的证券经纪人,后受亚当斯密《国富论》一书的影响,激发了他对经济学研究的兴趣,其研究的领域主要包括货币和价格,对税收问题也有一定的研究。本书的作者对公众的关注已经提交了一些思考,譬如对纸币的主体,在上午的编年史中。他认为以更多计算的形式重新发布自己对这一问题的思考来公平的讨论是适当的;他这么做的理由是他以最大的报警看到逐步贬值的货币。

  • 内容简介
  • 本书的作者对公众的关注已经提交了一些思考,譬如对纸币的主体,在上午的编年史中。他认为以更多计算的形式重新发布自己对这一问题的思考来公平的讨论是适当的;他这么做的理由是他以最大的报警看到逐步贬值的货币。

    The writer of the following pages has already submitted some reflections to the attention of the public, on the subject of paper-currency, through the medium of the Morning Chronicle. He has thought proper to republish his sentiments on this question in a form more calculated to bring it to fair discussion; and his reasons for so doing, are, that he has seen, with the greatest alarm, the progressive depreciation of the paper-currency.

  • 作者简介
  • 英国古典政治经济学的主要代表之一,也是英国古典政治经济学的完成者。李嘉图早期是交易所的证券经纪人,后受亚当斯密《国富论》一书的影响,激发了他对经济学研究的兴趣,其研究的领域主要包括货币和价格,对税收问题也有一定的研究。李嘉图的主要经济学代表作是1817年完成的《政治经济学及赋税原理》,书中阐述了他的税收理论。1819年他曾被选为上院议员,极力主张议会改革,支持自由贸易。李嘉图继承并发展了斯密的自由主义经济理论。他认为限制国家的活动范围、减轻税收负担是增长经济的最好办法。

    David Ricardo (18 April 1772 – 11 September 1823) was a British political economist. He was one of the most influential of the classical economists, along with Thomas Malthus, Adam Smith, and James Mill. Perhaps his most important legacy is his theory of comparative advantage, which suggests that a nation should concentrate its resources solely in industries where it is most internationally competitive and trade with other countries to obtain products no longer produced nationally. In essence, Ricardo promoted the idea of extreme industry specialization by nations, to the point of dismantling internationally competitive and otherwise profitable industries. Ricardo took as a given the existence of a national industry policy aimed at promoting some industries to the detriment of others. For Ricardo some form of central economic planning was a necessity.

  • 目录
    • The High Price of Bullion