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  • 殉道者苏格拉底最后的申辩,看古代哲人如何被民主迫害。

    The general term apology, in context to literature, defends a world from attack (opposite of satire-which attacks the world). The Apology, which depicts the death of Socrates, is among the four Plato dialogues to detail the philosopher's final days, along with Euthyphro, Phaedo, and Crito.

  • 内容简介
  • 柏拉图是苏格拉底的学生,而柏拉图记载的苏格拉底对话录成为后人研究他们思想的主要来源,但许多内容其实记载的是柏拉图自己的看法,而不是苏格拉底的原意。苏格拉底进行申辩时的言辞就是柏拉图《申辩篇》的前身。本篇是苏格拉底的辩护演说,苏格拉底之死和耶稣之死为西方文明打下了两个基本色调,苏格拉底之死是西方哲学史上的核心事件,研究《申辩》中的苏格拉底早已化作一种思想符号。


    The Apology is Plato's version of the speech given by Socrates as he defended himself in 399 BC against the charges of "corrupting the young, and by not believing in the gods in whom the city believes, but in other daimonia that are novel". "Apology" here has its earlier meaning (now usually expressed by the word "apologia") of speaking in defense of a cause or of one's beliefs or actions).

  • 作者简介
  • 柏拉图(约公元前427年-前347年)是著名的古希腊哲学家,他写下了许多哲学的对话录,并且在雅典创办了著名的学院。柏拉图是苏格拉底的学生,也是亚里士多德的老师,他们三人被广泛认为是西方哲学的奠基者。如同许多古老的文献,柏拉图留下的文集残缺不全、而且依然存在争议。他记载的苏格拉底对话录成为后人研究他们思想的主要来源,但许多内容其实记载的是柏拉图自己的看法,而不是苏格拉底的原意。

    Plato (428/427 or 424/423 – 348/347 BC) was a philosopher and mathematician in Classical Greece, and the founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. He is widely considered the most pivotal figure in the development of philosophy, especially the Western tradition. Unlike nearly all of his philosophical contemporaries, Plato's entire oeuvre is believed to have survived intact for over 2400 years, and he is arguably one of the greatest writers, if not the greatest writer, in the entire Western canon.

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