    Health Library — The Aging Eye: New Therapies for Age Related Macular Degeneration

  • 讲   师:

    • 马克·布鲁门克莱兹
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  • 课程简介
  • 视网膜黄斑变性是造成失明的主要原因,也是美国和所有工业国家65岁以上病人的失明的主要原因。所有的工业国家都一样,这不是世界上人们失明的主要原因。因为在发展中国家有其他不可避免的原因感染性疾病。但是至少在美国、加拿大、西欧、日本等大多数工业化国家,它是失明的主要原因。如果看看医学分布上的人口,大概有800万美国人有轻微这类疾病。大约有120万有严重的视觉问题,就是他们因为这个病失明了。每年大概有18万到20万美国人这个病。

    Macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss, irreversible vision loss in the United States and actually in patients over the age of sixty-five and in fact in all industrialized nations. It's not the leading cause of vision loss in the world because in underdeveloped nations there are other preventable causes such as infectious diseases and glaucoma and so forth. But at least in the United States, Canada, Western Europe, Japan, and most of the industrialized world, this is the leading cause of blindness. If you look at the American population from an epidemiologic standpoint, there are about eight million Americans that have some form of this disease in some moderate degree. About somewhere in the vicinity of about 1.2 million have very severe vision disability, meaning that they are legally blind as a result of this condition. Approximately one hundred and eighty thousand to two hundred thousand Americans every year develop this condition.

  • 讲师简介
  • 马克·布鲁门克莱兹是斯坦福医疗中心眼科的一名教授和主任。

    Mark Blumenkranz is a professor and the chairman of the department of Ophthalmology at the Stanford University Medical Center.