• 导读
  • 《远征记》是色诺芬最广受好评、流传最广泛的著作,是根据他率领那支希腊雇佣军历尽艰辛、从波斯回到希腊的悲壮经历而写成的。虽然他在书中对自己的作用做了夸张描写,但是它为后人提供了有关希腊雇佣军与波斯帝国的许多真实细节,而且还记录了雇佣军所经过的地区的地理风貌和人情习俗,有很高的史料价值。



  • 内容简介
  • 此为一部古希腊职业军人和作家色诺芬七部书中最为著名的作品。书中叙述的旅程是他最为人知的成就,“人类历史上最伟大的冒险之一”威廉·杜兰特这样表述。

    Anabasis is the most famous work, in seven books, of the Greek professional soldier and writer Xenophon. The journey it narrates is his best known accomplishment and "one of the great adventures in human history," as Will Durant expressed the common assessment.

  • 作者简介
  • 色诺芬(Xenophon, 约430~354BC),古希腊历史学家、作家,雅典人,苏格拉底的弟子。公元前401年参加希腊雇佣军助小居鲁士(Kurush,约前424~前401年)争夺波斯王位,未遂,次年率军而返。前396年投身斯巴达,被母邦判处终身放逐。他的著作16世纪就被译成多种欧洲文字。著有《远征记》、《希腊史》(修昔底德《伯罗尼撒战争史》之续编,叙事始于前411年,止于前362年)以及《回忆苏格拉底》等。

    Xenophon son of Gryllus, of the deme Erchia of Athens, also known as Xenophon of Athens, was a Greek historian, soldier, mercenary,and student of Socrates. While not referred to as a philosopher by his contemporaries, his status as such is now a topic of debate. He is known for writing about the history of his own times, the late 5th and early 4th centuries BC, especially for his account of the final years of the Peloponnesian War. His Hellenica, which recounts these times, is considered to be the continuation of Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War. His youthful participation in the failed campaign of Cyrus the Younger to claim the Persian throne inspired him to write his most famous work, Anabasis.

  • 目录
    • BOOK I
    • BOOK II
    • BOOK III
    • BOOK IV
    • BOOK V
    • BOOK VI
    • BOOK VII