• 导读
  • 纸醉金迷的上流社会,坎坷平淡的底层社会,碰撞的是生活还是人性?

    A man of arms and of letters, Maupassant was a French short-story writer and novelist known for his naturalistic treatment of his subject matter. He is considered the greatest French short-story writer. This book contains four short stories of his numerous works: Always Lock the Door!, An Adventure in Paris, At Sea and Boitelle. The book indrouced a varity of life: the Sharon's party of the upper-classes, the temptation of money, the daily life of the ordinary people's family,etc. The readers can learn a deep life lesson from the stories, and aslo were attracted by the neatly worked-out plots.

  • 内容简介
  • 本集包含了“短篇小说之王”莫泊桑的四本短篇小说。《要时刻把门锁好!》描写出了当时法国上流社会生活的荒诞不经。《巴黎奇遇》讲述了渴望体验巴黎纸醉金迷的堕落生活的女子在去了巴黎后一切并不是那么美好。《在海上》中写道哥哥在昂贵的绳索和弟弟的生命之间毅然决然的选择了前者。《布瓦泰勒》回忆了干脏活的工人布瓦泰勒在服役期间偶遇黑人女佣并与之相爱的故事,却终因世俗及父母的偏见而最终被迫分离。

    Maupassant is considered as one of the trendsetters like Somerset Maugham and O. Henry in the field of contemporary short story. He is famous for clever plotting and realistic art in displaying his subject. This book contains four short stories of him: Always Lock the Door!, An Adventure in Paris, At Sea and Boitelle.

  • 作者简介
  • 莫泊桑,19世纪后半期法国优秀的批判现实主义作家。莫泊桑早就有神经痛的征兆,但他长期顽强地与病魔斗争,坚持写作,巨大的劳动强度与未曾收敛的放荡生活使他逐渐病入膏肓,于1893年7月6日逝世,享年43岁。莫泊桑一生创作了6部长篇小说和359篇中短篇小说,还有三部游记,被誉为“短篇小说之王”。

    Guy de Maupassant ( 5 August 1850 – 6 July 1893) was a popular French writer, considered one of the fathers of the modern short story and one of the form's finest exponents. Maupassant was a protégé of Flaubert and his stories are characterized by economy of style and efficient, effortless dénouements (outcomes). Many are set during the Franco-Prussian War of the 1870s, describing the futility of war and the innocent civilians who, caught up in events beyond their control, are permanently changed by their experiences. He wrote some 300 short stories, six novels, three travel books, and one volume of verse. His first published story, "Boule de Suif" ("Ball of Fat", 1880), is often considered his masterpiece.

  • 目录
    • 在海上
    • 巴黎奇遇
    • 要时刻把门锁好!
    • 布瓦泰勒
    • At Sea
    • An Adventure in Paris
    • Always Lock the Door!
    • Boitelle