• 导读
  • 法国19世纪文学家莫泊桑擅长撰写短篇小说,他与俄国的契诃夫、美国的欧·亨利并称世界三大短篇小说大王。他的短篇小说的题材非常丰富。本部短篇集收录了:《我的妻子》、《保罗的心爱女人》、《罗丝》、《圣安东尼》这四部作品。本部短篇集的书目有个共同点——作者在作品中安排了给人意想不到的情节故事和结局。

    Maupassant is considered as one of the trendsetters like Somerset Maugham and O. Henry in the field of contemporary short story. He is famous for clever plotting and realistic art in displaying his subject. These works include My Wife, Paul’s Mistress, Rose, Saint Anthony. They have a feature in common: unpredicable plots and endings.

  • 内容简介
  • 本集包含了莫泊桑的《我的妻子》、《罗丝》、《保罗的心爱女人》和《圣安东尼》这四部作品。《我的妻子》讲述了“结婚就是买彩票,你千万不要去挑选号码,随手拿来的号码就是最好的。”的道理。《保罗的心爱女人》描写了一对情侣保罗和马德莱娜,他们的甜蜜羡煞旁人,可就是这样的幸福确稍纵即逝,最后马德莱娜投向的却是另一个女人的怀抱。《罗丝》讲述了女主人正得意于自己拥有这样一位令自己称心,懂得精心打扮,擅长于梳理头发的俊俏女仆时,传来了警察的搜寻令:要找一个强奸并杀人的罪犯。看过家里所有的男仆,没有找到踪迹。但轮到这位女仆时,警察迅速地将他逮捕。他就是罗丝,一个装作女仆的男人。《圣安东尼》讲述了普法战争期间,一个普鲁士士兵住进了圣安东尼的农场。圣安东尼天性自负狂傲,虽用美食款待普鲁士士兵,却借语言不通辱骂他为“猪”,并对他肆意嘲笑。普鲁士士兵似乎意识到了圣安东尼并非真心把自己当朋友,两人的关系变得剑拔弩张。一次,两人发生争斗,圣安东尼“杀死”了普鲁士士兵,惊魂未定时发现普鲁士士兵只是昏迷了而已。他认为普鲁士士兵一定会去告发他,就狠毒地谋杀了他,掩盖罪行,并故意误导侦查工作。

    This book contains four short stories of Maupassant: My Wife, Paul’s Mistress, Rose and Saint Anthony. In My Wife, the author tells us that the marriage is like a lottery. One should take a number optionally rather than purposely. In Paul’s Mistress, Paul and Madeleine are a couple whom everyone envys. However, their love doesn't last so long, and unpredictably Madeleine falls in love with another woman. In Rose, the landlady is in favor of a maid who is good at making up. One day, the policemen send a search warrant and search for a criminal who is also a raper in her house. To all men's surprise, the maid is exactly the criminal, who, unpredictably, is a man. Saint Anthony tells a story between a Prussian soldier and the farm holder Saint Anthony. Their conflicts eventually turn into a murder.

  • 作者简介
  • 莫泊桑,19世纪后半期法国优秀的批判现实主义作家。莫泊桑早就有神经痛的征兆,但他长期顽强地与病魔斗争,坚持写作,巨大的劳动强度与未曾收敛的放荡生活使他逐渐病入膏肓,于1893年7月6日逝世,享年43岁。莫泊桑一生创作了6部长篇小说和359篇中短篇小说,还有三部游记,被誉为“短篇小说之王”。

    Guy de Maupassant ( 5 August 1850 – 6 July 1893) was a popular French writer, considered one of the fathers of the modern short story and one of the form's finest exponents. Maupassant was a protégé of Flaubert and his stories are characterized by economy of style and efficient, effortless dénouements. Many are set during the Franco-Prussian War of the 1870s, describing the futility of war and the innocent civilians who, caught up in events beyond their control, are permanently changed by their experiences. He wrote some 300 short stories, six novels, three travel books, and one volume of verse. His first published story, "Boule de Suif" ("Ball of Fat", 1880), is often considered his masterpiece.

  • 目录
    • 我的妻子
    • 保罗的心爱女人
    • 罗丝
    • 圣安东尼
    • My Wife
    • Paul’s Mistress
    • Rose
    • Saint Anthony