    Classic Writings of Guy De Maupassant (Vol XIV)

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  • 社会生活这幅工笔画是由“小人物”与“大人物”的人生百态所勾勒而成的。

    A man of arms and a man of letters, Maupassant was a French short-story writer and novelist known for his naturalistic treatment of his subject matter. He is considered the greatest French short-story writer. And this book collects 4 books of his works: The Mask, The Model, The Mustache, The Odule Sabot's Confession. His short stories introduce different kinds of social life. His works are known for their satirical tone and thought-provoking reflection of social issues.

  • 内容简介
  • 本集包含了“短篇小说之王”莫泊桑的四本短篇小说。《面具》讲的是一位年轻时曾英俊潇洒、风流倜傥的老人不甘让岁月夺走自己曾经的魅力的故事。《模特》讲述了女主人公为了自己心爱的人,不惜用放弃生命这种方式来证明自己的爱情。《八字胡》以书信的形式,讲述了女主公对男人的八字胡的独有情愫。《西奥迪勒·萨博的忏悔》描述了木匠萨博和牧师之间的恩怨与矛盾。

    This book contains four short stories of Maupassant's works: The Mask narrates an old man can't accept that his charm and vigour fade away as time goes on. The Model tells of love and courage. The Mustache, written in the form of letters, describes the favour of mustache. The Odule Sabot's Confession describes the conflict and hatred between the master carpenter—Sabot and the priest.

  • 作者简介
  • 莫泊桑,19世纪后半期法国优秀的批判现实主义作家。莫泊桑早就有神经痛的征兆,但他长期顽强地与病魔斗争,坚持写作,巨大的劳动强度与未曾收敛的放荡生活使他逐渐病入膏肓,于1893年7月6日逝世,享年43岁。莫泊桑一生创作了6部长篇小说和359篇中短篇小说,还有三部游记,被誉为“短篇小说之王”。

    Guy de Maupassant ( 5 August 1850 – 6 July 1893) was a popular French writer, considered one of the fathers of the modern short story and one of the form's finest exponents. Maupassant was a protégé of Flaubert and his stories are characterized by economy of style and efficient, effortless dénouements (outcomes). Many are set during the Franco-Prussian War of the 1870s, describing the futility of war and the innocent civilians who, caught up in events beyond their control, are permanently changed by their experiences. He wrote some 300 short stories, six novels, three travel books, and one volume of verse. His first published story, "Boule de Suif" ("Ball of Fat", 1880), is often considered his masterpiece.

  • 目录
    • 面具
    • 模特
    • 八字胡
    • 西奥迪勒·萨博的忏悔
    • The Mask
    • The Model
    • The Mustache
    • The Odule Sabot's Confession