    Biography of Marilyn Monroe

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  • 玛丽莲·梦露是“性感女神”,她复杂又天真,她是好莱坞制造的神话,偏偏陨落在梦醒时分!梦露身世,迷雾重重,是非毁誉,不一而足。但综而述之,不外五大关键词:一曰“性感”,二曰“三婚”,三曰“悲剧”,四曰“才女”,五曰“摇钱树”。《玛丽莲·梦露传》介绍了从她的出生到离奇死亡的传奇一生。

    Marilyn Monroe is the most sexual woman. She is complicated but pure. She is the legend of Hollywood. Her life experience is mysterious. Biography of Marilyn Monroetells Monroe's whole magical life from her birth to her death.

  • 内容简介
  • 《玛丽莲·梦露传》真实地记录了梦露的传奇人生。在好莱坞,人们付1000美元索取你一个吻,却只愿付50美分换你的灵魂。一个聪明的女孩懂得去问但不轻易去爱,愿意倾听但不至于相信,她能够放弃——在被放弃之前。我极力找寻自己,但困难重重。多数人穷尽终生也无法认识自己。但是我必须这样做。对我而言,认识自己的最好方式是寻找自己作为人的存在,证明自己是一位演员。 有事业是件好事,但你不能靠它熬过漫漫寒夜。 我自私,缺乏耐心,没有安全感,我经常犯错,甚至野性难驯,但如果你不能包容我最差的一面,那么你也不配拥有我最好的一面。

    Biography of Marilyn Monroe truly recorded Monroe's whole life career.In this book, the author tells us that in Hollywood people are willing to pay 1,000 dollars for Monroe's kiss, but they only pay 50 cents for her soul. Manroe is a smart girl. She is good at persuing but she dares to love anyone; she knows how to listen to others, but she doesn't trust anyone; and she knows when she should give up. She tries her best to become a perfect woman, which she comes across many difficulties. She says that the best way to learn herself is to be a great actress. Monroe is a woman who lacks of patience and sense of safety in terms of her own demonstration. Besides, she is ambitious.

  • 作者简介
  • 萨拉·M是一名经验丰富的作家,同时她也是Hyperink团队的一名成员。她的作品品质高,内容吸引人并且十分有趣。

    Sara M. is an experienced writer and a member of the Hyperink Team,

    which works hard to bring you high-quality, engaging, fun content.

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