• 导读
  • This book collects more than 75 works, including a number of Lindsay's most popular performance pieces, such as "The Congo", "The Santa Fe Trail", "The Jingo and the Minstrel".

  • 内容简介
  • 为了普及诗歌,林赛创造了所谓“高级歌舞剧”,即在诗歌朗诵时辅以音乐和强有力的节奏。他著名的诗作《刚果河》把爵士乐、诗歌、音乐和歌唱融为一体,颂扬非洲人的历史。不过,按今天的标准该诗显然具有种族主义倾向。

    This book collects more than 75 works, including a number of Lindsay's most popular performance pieces, such as "The Congo", "The Santa Fe Trail", "The Jingo and the Minstrel".

  • 作者简介
  • 尼古拉斯·韦切尔·林赛(Nicholas Vachel Lindsay,1879年11月10日 - 1931年12月5日),美国诗人。他被认为是现代吟唱诗歌之父,他提出,这种诗的诗句应该被吟咏出来。他与诗人叶芝的通信详细的表明,他的意图复兴诗歌的音乐性质,就像古希腊人所做的那样。因为他作为一个表演艺术家的身份和他对美国中西部主题的应用,林赛在1910年代被称为“草原抒情诗人”。在他生命的最后的20年,林赛是美国最有名的诗人之一。他的名声高到足以使他结交、鼓励和指导其他的诗人,如兰斯顿·休斯和萨拉·蒂斯代尔。然而,他的诗缺乏引起学术界注意的元素,在他去世后,他的名声一落千丈。

    Nicholas Vachel Lindsay (November 10, 1879 – December 5, 1931) was an American poet. He is considered a founder of modern singing poetry, as he referred to it, in which verses are meant to be sung or chanted. His extensive correspondence with the poet W. B. Yeats details his intentions of reviving the musical qualities of poetry as they were practiced by the ancient Greeks. Because of his identity as a performance artist and his use of American midwestern themes, Lindsay became known in the 1910s as the "Prairie Troubador." In the final twenty years of his life, Lindsay was one of the best known poets in the U.S. His reputation enabled him to befriend, encourage and mentor other poets, such as Langston Hughes and Sara Teasdale. His poetry, though, lacked elements which encouraged the attention of academic scholarship, and, after his death, he became an obscure figure.

  • 目录
    • Introduction.
    • First Section: Poems intended to be read aloud, or chanted.
    • Second Section: Incense
    • Third Section: A Miscellany called "the Christmas Tree"
    • Fourth Section: Twenty Poems in which the Moon is the Principal Figure of Speech
    • Fifth Section: War. September 1, 1914 Intended to be Read Aloud