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  • 生活在畅销书中的我们,知道畅销书的奥秘吗?

  • 内容简介
  • 我们生活在畅销小说之中。各种媒体的广告宣传、根据小说改编的电影电视、读者专家的口碑评论,都在促使我们去购买书店里堆积如山的最新畅销小说。但究竟什么是畅销小说?什么样的小说最畅销?为什么?从《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》到《达·芬奇密码》,从《罗布·罗伊》到“哈利·波特”系列小说,作者引领我们走进英美畅销小说异彩纷呈的奇妙天地,追溯英美畅销小说发展的历史,回顾19世纪畅销小说排行榜诞生以来英美小说的众多佳作,为我们揭开畅销小说产业的神秘面纱。

    Lady Chatterley's Lover. The Blue Lagoon. Portnoy's Complaint. The Da Vinci Code. For the last century, the tastes and preferences of the common reader have been reflected in the American and British bestseller lists, and this Very Short Introduction takes an engaging look through the lists to reveal what we have been reading--and why. John Sutherland shows that bestseller lists monitor one of the strongest pulses in modern literature and are therefore worthy of serious study. Exploring the relationship between bestsellers and the fashions, ideologies, and cultural concerns of the day, the book includes short case-studies and lively summaries of bestsellers through the years: from In His Steps--now almost totally forgotten, but the biggest all-time bestseller between 1895 and 1945--to Gone with the Wind, The Andromeda Strain, and The Da Vinci Code. Discussing both classic and contemporary novels, alongside some surprising titles and long-forgotten names. Sutherland lifts the lid on the bestseller industry, revealing what makes a book into a bestseller and what separates bestsellers from canonical fiction.

  • 作者简介
  • 约翰·萨瑟兰,伦敦大学学院现代英语文学荣誉退休教授、加利福尼亚理工学院客座教授,已出版多部专著,内容涉及诸多领域,尤其是维多利亚时期及现代出版史、现代文学和通俗小说。曾任2005年布克小说奖评审委员会主席。

    John Sutherland is Emeritus Lord Northcliffe Professor of Modern English Literature at University College London, and Professor of Literature at Caltech. The author of many books, he writes and reviews widely, including in the TLS and LRB, and writes regular columns in the Guardian, Financial Times, New Statesman, and Sunday Telegraph. In 2005, he was chair of the Man-Booker fiction prize committee.

  • 目录
    • 版权页
    • 相关内容
    • 第一章 畅销书的定义
    • 第二章 现代场景
    • 第三章 领域与排行榜
    • 第四章 美国畅销小说
    • 第五章 英国畅销小说
    • 第六章 畅销小说的未来:有吗?