Shakespeare became famous as a poet before most people knew that he also wrote plays. To judge by the frequency of admiring allusions and demand for printed copies, Venus and Adonis was the most popular long poem of the Elizabethan age. Like Shakespeare’s subsequent narrative poem, The Rape of Lucrece, it was written during the period in 1593–94 when the theatres were closed due to plague, and based on the works of the Roman poet Ovid. These works are calling cards which announce Shakespeare’s poetic sophistication, perhaps in response to the jibe in Greene’s Groatsworth of Wit (1592) about ‘Shake-scene’, the ‘upstart crow’, the vulgar jack-of-all-trades from the country.
Shakespeare became famous as a poet before most people knew that he also wrote plays. To judge by the frequency of admiring allusions and demand for printed copies, Venus and Adonis was the most popular long poem of the Elizabethan age.
- 出版说明
- 莎士比亚诗体重译集序
- 《莎士比亚诗集》导言
- 维纳斯与阿多尼
- 鲁克丽丝受辱记
- 女王颂
- 让声音最亮的鸟儿歌唱
- 莎士比亚商籁体十四行诗集
- 译后记
- 书评 写书评
- 笔记