    Health Library — How Is Your Memory

  • 讲   师:

    • 韦斯·阿什福德
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  • 课程简介
  • 首先讲师会讲一下阿尔茨海默病以及痴呆的定义,然后再谈谈一些基本性问题——要关注记忆困难的问题,并且对其进行监控。然后会进行一项小游戏,整个过程轻松有趣。

    The lecturer will first talk about what the definition of Alzheimer's and dementia is, and then some basic problem — memory difficulty and supervision. At last there will be a game.

  • 讲师简介
  • 韦斯·阿什福德从1978年左右就开始对老年痴呆症研究感兴趣,在这个领域做了很多研究,在加州大学洛杉矶分校的研究中心,还有SouthernOlay大学、UCDavis大学、肯塔基大学,在斯坦福呆了差不多七年,在这个领域发表了很多相关研究专著。

    Wes Ashford has been interested in Alzheimer's disease since about 1978 so he's done a lot of study in this area, in Alzheimer's center in UCLA Southern Olay university UC Davis University of Kentucky, here Stanford for about 7 years and he published a lot in this field about Alzheimer disease.