    Gulliver's Travels

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  • 主人公格列佛于1699年开始第一次旅行,在海上遇到风暴,到了一个叫做利力浦特的国家,那儿的人只有15厘米高。他后来逃走了,回到家乡。可是不久又进行下一次旅行,先是到布罗卜丁奈格,然后是勒皮他和拉格奈格,最后到了更为奇怪的慧骃国……


    Gulliver has an itch to travel around the world, but whenever he steps on a ship, bad luck seems to find him. He is shipwrecked, abandoned, marooned, and mutinied against, and each time lands in a strange and curious place. First he discovers the kingdom of the six-inch-tall Lilliputians, then the country of the giant Brobdingnagians, then the island of the academic Laputans, which floats in the sky, and finally the noble realm of the horselike Houyhnhnms. Who knew there were so many unusual creatures under the sun?

  • 内容简介
  • 《格列佛游记》是一部融讽刺和冒险于一体的小说,在这些作者虚构的国度中,有着18世纪英国社会的浓重痕迹。作者通过主人公途经不同国度的游历,揭示了当时英国社会的种种矛盾,并对英国的政治制度作了辛辣的讽刺。因为在一次海上航行中遭遇风暴,外科医生格列佛意外闯入一个陌生的地方,不可思议的冒险从此开始了:在小人国遭遇战争,成功退敌后成为万人崇拜的大英雄;在大人国被当作玩偶,冒险出逃九死一生;在飞岛国,黑自颠倒、是非混淆的怪现象让人哭笑不得……充满奇思妙想的故事,让人快乐大笑的同时又引人思考。这本著作在一定程度上揭露了资产阶级唯利是图的剥削本质,而新奇的想象力、幽默朴素的文风、跌宕起伏的情节设置更使得这本书成为几百年来广为流传的经典名著。

    Gulliver's Travels is a prose satire by Irish writer and clergyman Jonathan Swift, that is both a satire on human nature and the "travellers' tales" literary subgenre. It is Swift's best known full-length work, and a classic of English literature. It recounts the history of Lemuel Guliver, "First a Surgeon, and then a Captain of several Ships." In his travels Gulliver visits the Land of Lilliput, where he towers over the local inhabitants, the land of Brobdingnag where he is much smaller than the citizens, the floating island of Laputa, infested with fanatical scientists who in their obsession with reason behave with no sense at all and finally to the land of the brutish Yahoos who look to all intents and purposes like humans and are derided by the intelligent horse people.

  • 作者简介
  • 乔纳森·斯威夫特(1667年-1745年),英国启蒙运动中激进民主派的创始人、诗人,18世纪前期英国优秀的讽刺作家和政论家。从1688年之后的10年时间,斯威夫特在英国穆尔庄园当私人秘书,其早期的两部讽刺杰作《木桶的故事》和《世纪战争》正是在这时写成的。1698年,斯威夫特回到爱尔兰做牧师,并积极投入到政治活动中去,开展政治批评。他写过不计其数的时评、政论,文笔犀利,颇具鬼神之工。为了表示自己的中立和清白,他恪守清贫,从不为自己的政论文章收取报酬。晚年的斯威夫特目睹了英国统治集团的腐朽和堕落,因而内心孤独、满怀忧愤。在这种情况下,他于1726年完成了不朽的讽刺杰作《格列佛游记》。斯威夫特一生撰写了大量政论和讽刺诗,抨击了英国统治阶层的腐朽与黑暗和残酷的英国殖民主义政策,而他的讽刺小说则影响更为深广,受到世界范围内读者的喜爱。因而高尔基称他为世界“伟大文学创造者之一”。

    Jonathan Swift (30 November 1667 – 19 October 1745) was an Anglo-Irish satirist, essayist, political pamphleteer, poet and cleric who became Dean of St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin. Swift is remembered for works such as A Tale of a Tub (1704), An Argument Against Abolishing Christianity (1712), Gulliver's Travels (1726), and A Modest Proposal (1729). He is regarded by the Encyclopædia Britannica as the foremost prose satirist in the English language.

  • 目录
    • 版权页
    • 简 介
    • 1 A voyage to Lilliput
    • 1 到利力浦特
    • 2 Life in Lilliput
    • 2 在利力浦特的生活
    • 3 Lilliput at war
    • 3 利力浦特的战争
    • 4 Gulliver escapes from Lilliput
    • 4 格列佛逃离利力浦特
    • 5 A voyage to Brobdingnag
    • 5 到布罗卜丁奈格
    • 6 Gulliver and his master
    • 6 格列佛和他的主人
    • 7 At the King's palace
    • 7 在王宫里
    • 8 More adventures in Brobdingnag
    • 8 在布罗卜丁奈格的其他经历
    • 9 Gulliver escapes from Brobdingnag
    • 9 格列佛逃离布罗卜丁奈格
    • 10 The flying island of Laputa
    • 10 勒皮他飞岛
    • 11 Glubbdubdrib and Luggnagg
    • 11 格勒大锥和拉格奈格
    • 12 A voyage to the country of the Houyhnhnmes
    • 12 到慧骃国的航行
    • Exercises