    Lord Jim

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  • ¥5.80

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  • 吉姆离开英格兰开始了水手生涯,他快乐地憧憬着等待他的海上新生活。他认为自己是个勇敢、尽责的人,就像他小时候读过的航海故事中的主人公一样,时刻准备着迎接将要到来的危险。 但当危险真正来临时,吉姆却没有准备好。他是“帕特纳号”的大副,这艘旧船载着800名乘客在横渡印度洋时遇险了。这正是勇者应当挺身而出的时候,但吉姆却没能表现得像他梦想中的英雄那样。很快,“懦夫”这个词在东方所有的海港传开了。 只有一个人相信吉姆。这个人是马洛,他试着帮助吉姆找到新的生活,后来,他把这段故事讲给朋友们听。故事讲述了吉姆找寻失去的荣誉的过程——通向灵魂阴暗处的心路历程,在那里,梦想和恐惧就像掠过月亮表面的阴影。

    When Jim leaves England to begin his life as a sailor, he dreams happily of the adventures wating for him at sea. He sees himself as the brave man who always doew his duty, just like the heroes in the sea stories he read as a boy. When danger comes, he will be ready for it. But danger does come, and Jim is not ready for it. He is the first mate on board the Patna, an old ship taking 800 passengers across the Indian Ocean. When the accident happens and it is time for a brave man to do his duty, Jim fails to act like the hero of his dreams. Soon, the word "coward" is whispered around all the sea ports of the Eastern seas. Only one man believes in Jim. Marlow tries to help him find a new life, and in later years he tells the story to his friends. It is the story of Jim's search for his lost honour—a journey into the dark places of the soul, where dreams and fears move like shadows across the face of the moon.

  • 内容简介
  • 在《吉姆爷》中,年轻有为的“帕特纳号”大副相信自己能够为了海员的职责和荣誉献出生命,这份坚持在确认船马上就要沉没的那一刻被本能打败了,他纵身跳进了他所鄙视的同事们准备好的小船。背负着这个道德重负,他顶着“吉姆”这个假名字沿着海岸线流浪。一个偶然的机会,他来到一个几乎与世隔绝的马来人的居住地,凭借自己的才干成了当地人口中的“吉姆爷”。然而,关于荣誉和责任的难题并没有放过他,这一次,他如愿把自己的生命供在了祭台上。

    Lord Jim is a novel by Joseph Conrad originally published as a serial in Blackwood's Magazine from October 1899 to November 1900. An early and primary event is the abandonment of a ship in distress by its crew including the young British seaman Jim. He is publicly censured for this action and the novel follows his later attempts at coming to terms with his past. 

  • 作者简介
  • 约瑟夫·康拉德(1857—1924),波兰裔英国作家,父母早亡,曾在英国商船上担任水手、船长,在海上生活近二十年,到过南美、非洲、东南亚等地。康拉德在英国文学史上有突出的地位,尽管英语并非他的母语。他的作品根据题材可分为航海小说、丛林小说和社会政治小说。本书乃是他的丛林小说的代表作。

    Joseph Conrad was born in the Ukraine in 1857 . His parents, ardent Polish patriots, died when he was a child, following their exile for anti-Russian activities, and he came under the protection of his tradition-conscious uncle who watched over him for the next twenty-five years. In 1874 Conrad travelled to Marseilles, where he served in French merchant vessels before joining a British ship in 1878 as an apprentice. Eventually he settled in Kent, where he produced within fifteen years such modern classics as Youth, Heart of Darkness, Lord Jim, Typhoon, Nostromo, The Secret Agent and Under Western Eyes. He continued to write until his death in 1924.

  • 目录
    • 版权页
    • 内容简介
    • LORD JIM
    • 1 Jim's early life
    • 1.吉姆的早年生活
    • 2 Marlow meets Jim
    • 2.马洛与吉姆相识
    • 3 Jim tells his story
    • 3.吉姆讲述自己的故事
    • 4 Marlow offers to help
    • 4.马洛伸出援手
    • 5 Jim goes to Patusan
    • 5.吉姆去帕图桑
    • 6 Marlow visits Jim
    • 6.马洛看望吉姆
    • 7 Jim in love, and in danger
    • 7.爱与险境中的吉姆
    • 8 The end of the story
    • 8.结局
    • ACTIVITIES Before Reading
    • ACTIVITIES While Reading
    • ACTIVITIES After Reading