• 导读
  • 《骑虎》和《出租》这两部作品的可贵之处在于它们展示了比《有产业的人》更加广阔的社会背景,其中也不乏对于现实社会的批判。

  • 内容简介
  • 《出租》(1921)是高尔斯华绥的《福尔赛世家》三部曲中的第三部。该小说以19世纪20—30年代和20世纪初期的英国社会为背景,描写了英国资产阶级的社会和中产阶级家庭生活以及盛极而衰的历史。

  • 作者简介
  • 约翰•高尔斯华绥(1867—1933)是英国二十世纪继承批判现实主义的代表作家。父亲是伦敦的著名律师。一八九九年高尔斯华绥在牛津大学法律系毕业,但对律师业务不感兴趣,而专心从事文学写作。他早期以约翰•辛约翰的笔名写了几部小说,但没有引起人们注意。高尔斯华绥的重要作品有:长篇小说三部曲《福尔赛世家》(由《有产业的人》1906、《骑虎》1920和《出租》1821组成)、三部曲《现代喜剧》(由《白猿》1926、《银匙》1926和《天鹅之歌》1928组成)、三部曲《尾声》(《女侍》1931、《开花的荒野》1932和《河那边》1933组成),以及剧本《银匣》(1936)、《斗争》(1909)、《群众》(1914)和《逃跑》(1926)等。

    John Galsworthy OM (14 August 1867 – 31 January 1933) was an English novelist and playwright. Notable works include The Forsyte Saga (1906–1921) and its sequels, A Modern Comedy and End of the Chapter. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1932. John Galsworthy was born at what is now known as Galsworthy House (then called Parkhurst) on Kingston Hill in Surrey, England, the son of John and Blanche Bailey (née Bartleet) Galsworthy. His family was wealthy and well established, with a large estate in Kingston upon Thames that is now the site of three schools: Marymount International School, Rokeby Preparatory School, and Holy Cross Preparatory School.

  • 目录
    • TO LET
    • PART I
    • PART II
    • PART III