• 导读
  • 丁尼生的长诗《公主》与妇女权益有关,并试图证明女人最大的成就是幸福的婚姻。19世纪晚期和20世纪早期,许多评论家对维多利亚时代的清教主义一本正经的态度以及过多的多愁善感大加批判。丁尼生在其作品种浓缩英国中产阶级各种偏见及道德主张,这是他最爱的素材,评论家对丁尼生的重新评价是在20世纪中叶,人们认可了他诗歌中好的方面,也接受了他的缺点。

  • 内容简介
  • 此为阿尔弗雷德的一首情景喜剧式的无韵叙事诗歌,出版于1847年。自1850年到1892年丁尼生一直都是英国的桂冠诗人,并在现代仍是最受欢迎的英国诗人。这首诗歌讲述了一个英雄主义般的公主发誓抛弃世间的男人,建立了一所不允许男人进入的女子大学。她从小被指腹为婚的王子和另外两个同学乔装成女生混进了学校。他们被发现了然后逃走,但是公主还是追到了他们,他们和公主进行了斗争,最后失败受伤了。可是这些女生还是照顾着三个男生直到他们的身体得到恢复。最终公主重新赢得了王子的爱情。

    The Princess is a serio-comic blank verse narrative poem, written by Alfred Tennyson, published in 1847. Tennyson was Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom from 1850 to 1892 and remains one of the most popular English poets.The poem tells the story of an heroic princess who forswears the world of men and founds a women's university where men are forbidden to enter. The prince to whom she was betrothed in infancy enters the university with two friends, disguised as women students. They are discovered and flee, but eventually they fight a battle for the princess's hand. They lose and are wounded, but the women nurse the men back to health. Eventually the princess returns the prince's love.

  • 作者简介
  • 丁尼生(1809年—1892年Tennyson,Alfred Tennyson Baron),英国诗人,生于林肯郡萨默斯比,就学于剑桥大学。1830年发表第一部诗集,但反映不佳,1842年的修订本确立了他的声望,他的主要诗歌成就是悼念友人哈勒姆(A.Hallam)的哀歌《悼念》(In Memoriam,1850)。1850年11月19日,丁尼生就任英国桂冠诗人。

    Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron Tennyson, FRS (6 August 1809 – 6 October 1892) was Poet Laureate of Great Britain and Ireland during much of Queen Victoria's reign and remains one of the most popular British poets. Tennyson excelled at penning short lyrics,Much of his verse was based on classical mythological themes, such as Ulysses, although In Memoriam A.H.H. was written to commemorate his friend Arthur Hallam, a fellow poet and student at Trinity College, Cambridge, after he died of a stroke aged just 22.

  • 目录
    • I
    • II
    • III
    • IV
    • V
    • VI
    • VII