    Health Library — Understanding Osteoarthritis and Its Treatments

  • 讲   师:

    • 斯图尔特·古德曼
    • 托马斯
    • 马克·吉诺维斯
    • 莱恩·史密斯
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  • 课程简介
  • 骨关节纪元的四个关注重点是:关节疾病,骨质疏松,背部疼痛和骨骼创伤。其中最重要的就是关节疾病。为什么?因为它是世界上引发肢体残疾的,最常见的原因之一。骨关节炎更是世界范围内,发病率排首位的关节疾病。如果观察整个人口分布的状况,会发现关节疾病的发病率随着年龄增长而升高。同时随着人们慢慢变老,他们会患上老年膝盖,臀部,肩部,甚至手部的关节疾病。

    The four focus areas of the Bone and Joint Decade are: Joint Disease, Osteoporosis, Back Pain and Skeletal Trauma. And you can see Joint Disease is really at the top of the list. Now why is that? Because it's one of the most common causes of physical disability around the world. And Osteoarthritis is the leading cause of Joint Disease worldwide. If we look at the general population the prevalence of Joint Diseases increases with age and you can see as people get older knee Osteoarthritis hip Osteoarthritis shoulder and hand Osteoarthritis increases with time.