• 内容简介
  • 在很多中国人的心里,“哈佛”就是精英教育的同义词——足以让其他同样顶尖的西方高校黯然失色,或许也就牛津和剑桥可以与之相提并论。


    In the minds of most Chinese, the word "Harvard" is synonymous with educational excellence - to the point of overshadowing other equally top-notch Western institutions of higher education except maybe Oxford and Cambridge.

    However, the Harvard in the Chinese imagination is not the Harvard by the Charles River in Boston. It is a myth shrouded in layers of cultural misperception. When I was a kid, a friend of my father's, one of the very few who had been to other provinces of the country, described Harvard as a school with very high walls, where students were not allowed to go outside during the four years of their study, not even when their parents died. They had to memorize tons of text from early morning until late at night.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 旁观者的观点通常是有益的,但是在这个即时通信的时代,旁观者很可能会受到先入为主的观念和反差欲的影响。虚假信息经常和中国人的生活密切相关,一些热衷于分享、却又没有查证意识的人经常会转发一些他们认为重要的东西,只要有一个博人眼球的标题,转发经常会立马达到数百万次。等到专家出来澄清的时候,危害已经酿就。

  • 目录
    • 中国式造谣
    • The Chinese Art of Mythmaking