• 内容简介
  • 根据最新研究,观看一部恐怖片让人消耗的热量相当于一根巧克力棒所含的热量。




    Watching a horror film could burn off a whole bar of chocolate, according to a new research.

    Scientists recorded their heart rate, oxygen intake and carbon dioxide output - and discovered the number of calories used increased by on average a third during the films.

    Outgoing people tend to be overweight, while anxious types are more likely to be thin, according to Japanese researchers who examined the links between personality and body mass index.

    If you’re wondering whether the lady of your dreams wants a big family, the answer could be staring you in the face.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 看恐怖片能减肥吗?肥胖与性格有关系吗?散播流言本是可耻行为,研究人员却称有利于维护社会秩序,这是什么道理?想知道你的妻子想要多少孩子,从她的面相上就能看出来吗?同性恋做父母,对孩子究竟是好事还是坏事?敬请关注本期匪夷所思之五大研究。

  • 目录
    • 研究之一:看恐怖片能减肥
    • 研究之二:性格外向者易肥胖
    • 研究之三:散播流言能让人平静 有益健康
    • 研究之四:女性长相决定生孩子多少
    • 研究之五:同性恋是最好的父母
    • Watching horror films burns nearly 200 calories a time
    • Sociable people get fat, worriers thin
    • Gossip 'helps calm you down'
    • Want lots of children? It's written all over your face: Women with feminine features more likely to have big brood
    • Why Gay Parents May Be the Best Parents