• 内容简介
  • 一系列研究显示,名字不但能透露一个人所处的阶层、教育背景和种族出身,还能对一个人的人生以及在人生中所做的选择产生影响。



    According to a handful of studies, a name not only reveals clues about a person's class, education and ethic origin, it can also influence the bearer of the moniker and the choices they make in life.

    Scientists are exploring the theory that people are drawn to certain trades and professions based on the connotations of their surnames.

    Researchers found that a 'name pronunciation effect' played a major role in how people were perceived by colleagues and friends.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 中国人从古至今都对起名字很讲究,什么生辰八字、五行等等,都是重要参考。外国人也一样重视名字,罗马人认为“名字就是命运”。



  • 目录
    • 【Wow研究室】研究:名字决定命运
    • 【Wow研究室】研究:名字好读易升职
    • 【Wow研究室】研究:姓氏可影响职业选择
    • 【相关阅读】美国宝宝取名 Apple、Siri受热捧
    • 【相关阅读】Oliver、Olivia成英国最受欢迎宝宝名
    • [Wow Lab] How monikers can shape our lives from classroom to career path
    • [Wow Lab] Having an easy-to-say name 'will help you get promoted'
    • [Wow Lab] A person's surname can influence their career, experts claim
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