
  • 黄婕 黄婕

    “一头生病的牡鹿躺在牧场一个安静的角落里。牡鹿的众多伙伴都过来问候他,每个伙伴还自取了一份原本放在那里供这只牡鹿食用的食物。因...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    A sick stag lay down in a quiet corner of its pasture groung his companions came in gtear numbers to inquire after his health and each one helped himself to a share of the food which hed been placed for his use a so that he died not from his sickness but from the failure of the means of living evil companions bring more hurt than profit

    2023-08-16 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 黄婕 黄婕

    “一个商贩骑着他的驴子到海边去买盐。在商贩回家的路上有一条小溪。他的驴子一失足,不小心摔倒在了小溪里。等驴子再次站起来时,由于...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    A peddler drove his ass to the seashore to buy salt his road hone lay across a stream into which his ass making a false step fell by accident and rose up again to the stream the ass fell down on purpose in the same spot and regaining his feet with the weight of his load much diminished brayed triumphantly as if he had obtained what he desireed the peddler saw through his trick and drove him for the third time to the coast where he bought a

    2023-08-14 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 黄婕 黄婕

    “很久以前,公牛企图杀死屠夫,因为屠夫从事的行业有害于公牛这个种族。一天,公牛们集合在一起,准备实施它们的计划,并为这场角逐磨...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    the oxen once upon a time sought to destroy the butchers who practiced a trade destructive to their race theyassembled on a certain day to carry out theeir purpose and sharpened their horns for the conteser but one of them who was exceedingly old for many a field had he plowed thus spoke these butchers it is ture slaughter us but they do so with skillful hands a nd with no unnecessary pain if we get rid of them we shall fall into the hands of unskillful operators and thus suffer a double death for you may be assured that though all the butchers should perish yet will men never want beef

    2023-08-14 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 黄婕 黄婕

    “狮子、老鼠和狐狸” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    the lion the mouse and the fox a lion fatigued by the heat of a summer's day fell fast asleep in his den a mouse ran over his mane and ears and woke him from his mane and ears and slumbers he rose up and shook himself in in in in geart wrath and search every corner of his den to find the mouse a fox seeing him said a fine lion you are to be frightened of a mouse tis not the mouse I fear said the lion I resent his familiarity and ill breeding little liberties are great offenses

    2023-08-14 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 黄婕 黄婕

    “据说,朱庇特决定要为众鸟立一个君主,并宣布在某一天让所有鸟类都去拜见他。届时,他将在众鸟中亲自选定最美的一只鸟为王。寒鸦知道...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    jupitre determined, is is said to create a sovereign over the birds and mande proclamation that on a certain day they should all present themselves before him when he would himself choose the most beautiful among them to be king the jack daw knwing his own ugliness searched though the woods and field and collected the feathers which had fallen from the wings of his companions and stuck them in all parts of his body hoping thereby to make himself the most beautiful of all when the appointed day arrived and the birds had assembled before jupiter the jack daw also made his appearance in his

    2023-08-13 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 黄婕 黄婕

    “黄昏时分,一个牧羊人正赶着他的羊群离开牧场。他发现有些野山羊混进了羊群里,于是,晚上他就把它们和自己的羊群关在了一起。第二天...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    A goatthed driving his flock from their pasture at eventide found some wild goats mingled among them and shut them up together with his own for the night the next day it snowed very hard so that he could not take the herd to their usual feeding places but was cbliged to keep them in the fold he gave his own goats just sufficient food to keep them alive but fed the stranger nore abundantly in the hope of enticing them to stay with him and of manking them his own when the thaw set in he led them allout to feed and the wild goat scampered away as fat as they could to the mountains the goat therd scolded

    2023-08-13 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 黄婕 黄婕

    “有一条狗,每遇到一个人,总会悄悄跑上前,跟在人家的后面,然后趁其不备突然咬他们。狗的主人在它的脖子上挂了一个铃铛,这样不管这...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    a dog used to run up quietly to the heels of everyone he met and to bite them without notice his master suspended a bell about his neck so that the dog might gice notice of his presence whereever he went thinking it a mark of distinction the dog grew proud of his bell and went tihkling it all over th emaketplace one day a nold hound said to him why do you make such an exhibition of your self that bell taht you carry is not believe me any order of merit but on the contrary a mark of dis grace a publisc notice to all men to avoid you a s an ill mannered dog

    2023-08-13 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 黄婕 黄婕

    “有一条狗,每遇到一个人,总会悄悄跑上前,跟在人家的后面,然后趁其不备突然咬他们。狗的主人在它的脖子上挂了一个铃铛,这样不管这...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    a dog used to run up quietly to the heels of everyone he met and to bite them without notice his master suspended a bell about his neck so that the dog might give notice of his presence

    2023-08-13 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 黄婕 黄婕

    “一只被困在陷阱里的狐狸成功逃脱了,但却为此失去了自己的尾巴。从那以后,狐狸因受到别人的羞辱和嘲笑而感觉自己的生活是个包袱。于...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    a fox caught in a trap escaped but in so doing lost his tail there after feeling hus life a burden from the shame and ridicule to which he was exposed he schemed to convince all the other foxes that being tailless was much more attractive thus making up for his own deprivation he assembled a good many foxes and pubilcly advised them to cut off their tails saying that they would not only look much better without them but that they would get rid of the weight of the brush shich was a very great inconvenience one of them interruping him said if youhad not your self lost your tail my friend you would

    2023-08-12 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 黄婕 黄婕

    “一个男孩被荨麻扎到了。他跑回家告诉他的妈妈:“我只是轻轻地碰了它一下,它却把我扎得这么疼。”“这恰恰是它扎痛你的原因。”妈妈...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    A boy was stung by a nettle he ran home and told his mother saying although it hurts me very much I only touched it gently that was dfks dklf dsjkf ds just why it stung you said his mother the next time you touch a nettle grasp it boldly and it will be soft as silk to your hand and not in the least hurt you whatever youdo do with all your might

    2023-08-12 喜欢(0) 回复(0)