
【7 Chillingly Evil Corporations in Literature 】
Rachel Cantor’s debut novel, A Highly Unlikely Scenario (Melville House), will appeal to fans of Kurt Vonnegut, Ray Bradbury, and Douglas Adams, with its fusion of science fiction and literary fiction. The book’s plot, which concerns a future where fast food corporations run the world, is deliciously weird enough to work in its own warped way, walking the line between straight fantasy and fiction.
Rachel Cantor的首部长篇科幻小说《极不靠谱方案》(《A Highly Unlikely Scenario》)颇具严肃文学色彩,非常符合库尔特·冯内古特、雷·布莱伯利及道格拉斯·亚当斯的书迷们的口味。以受快餐集团控制的未来世界做为背景,该书的情节别具匠心且口味奇妙,轻快地游走在虚构与写实之间。
Can you imagine a world where Burger King really is the king, where Papa John is Big Brother, or where Colonel Sanders was worshiped as a deity? It might seem farfetched, but in a real world where some corporations earn more than some entire countries, and employ armies of workers, the idea might be more plausible than you think.
In A Highly Unlikely Scenario, the book’s protagonist works for Neetsa Pizza — a new bizarre corporation to add to the following list of the most memorably insane big businesses ideas in fiction along with these other six.
《极不靠谱方案》的主人公所供职的公司“泥沙披萨”(Neetsa Pizza)足够古怪,跻身于下文所述的六大组织间毫不逊色。它们都是文学作品所虚构的,最疯狂、最富于影响力的巨型商业组织。
【Yoyodyne from Thomas Pynchon’s The Crying of Lot 49】
Anything that comes from the mind of Thomas Pynchon is going to be a mix of warped postmodern genius and harsh truth, and as we’ve learned in the age of of military-industrial complex, there are few corporations as horrible as the ones that handle defense contracting.
【Stephen King’s North Central Positronics】
北方中央正电子公司,“North Central Positronics”(斯蒂芬·金,《黑暗塔》)
Something that we’ve learned from reading science fiction and fantasy is that you really can’t trust corporations that produce a) weapons and/or b) robots. Both of these things are horrible for humankind, as this company from King’s Dark Tower series demonstrates.
【Any corporation in any William Gibson book】
Whether we realize it or not, William Gibson’s work has influenced the way we look at and talk about big corporations, just as Orwell and Huxley gave us a new way to look at (and worry about) big governments. The “megacorporations” (a term Gibson popularized) in his books are bad news, and bear enough resemblance to our current business landscape to serve as a warning for the future.
【Dylar from Don DeLillo’s White Noise】
Great idea for a pharmaceutical company: a pill that makes people lose their fear of death. There’s no way that would make patients do horribly stupid things! Dylar sounds like it would really do wonders if it hit the market in real life.
【InGen from Michael Crichton’s Jurassic Park】
What can go wrong when a billionaire decides he wants to play God by recreating the DNA of dinosaurs so he can show off the resurrected creatures in a family-friendly theme park? That sounds like a really great idea.