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  • 纵观WTO如何产生、运作和演变,带你领略一个你从未听说过的WTO。

  • 内容简介
  • WTO的魅力何在,为什么能不断吸引发展中国家申请加入?WTO中又存在着怎样的争议,为何引起民众大规模的抗议游行?WTO只是一个贸易组织吗?它和你的生活有关系吗?从世界贸易组织的创建到发展,从谈判回合到决策过程,作者另辟蹊径,选取政治学的角度讲述WTO的核心特点,分析推动其产生、运作和演变的原因,展现了一个你并不了解的WTO。

    The World Trade Organization (WTO) is scarcely 10 years old, but it has already generated a mountain of debate, controversy, and outrage. Rulings on beef hormones and tuna-dolphin cases provide explicit examples of how the organization regulates areas of individual consumer choice, ethical preferences and cultural habits.The deep and far-ranging impact of the WTO on peoples' everyday lives means that it is not just an institution of interest to economists, but to everyone, a fact that was perhaps most graphically illustrated by the demonstrations that have become a regular feature associated with high-level meetings of the WTO.This audiobook provides a carefully considered explanation of what the WTO is, what it does, and how it goes about executing its tasks. It gives a clear understanding of the mandate, structure, and functioning of the WTO that is essential to appreciating the controversy behind the organization.

  • 作者简介
  • 阿姆里塔·纳利卡,剑桥大学国际问题研究中心讲师,教授国际关系学。目前主要研究世界经济中的发展中国家问题,在各种学术期刊上发表过大量文章,已出版著作有《贸易与发展中国家:GATT和WTO中的协商联盟》。

    Amrita Narlikar is the president of the GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies[1] and Professor at the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences at the University of Hamburg, Germany. She was previously Reader in International Political Economy in the Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS) at the University of Cambridge, founding Director of the Centre for Rising Powers, and a Fellow of Darwin College, Cambridge. She is an expert on international negotiations, the political economy of international trade, and rising powers.

  • 目录
    • 版权页
    • 前言
    • 略语表
    • 第一章 谁需要一个国际性贸易组织?
    • 第二章 世界贸易组织的创建
    • 第三章 决策和谈判程序
    • 第四章 不断扩张的管辖范围
    • 第五章 争端解决
    • 第六章 多哈发展议程
    • 第七章 治理困境