LiumiIn my opinion,there is no such thing as absolute empathy. It's impossible for us to fully appreciate how other people feel. But I think people are sentient beings,we can receive information from the outside world in time and respond to it. There are some things that we can't go through in our whole life. For example, disability and incurable diseases.But when we see someone with a disability or a incuburable diseases, I think most people couldn't feel indifferent due to they haven't experienced it. On the contrary, they will feel that this person makes them feel very sympathetic, because compared with their own situation, those people who are disabled or have serious diseases are unfortunate.So we really hope we can help them. I think it is human`s nature .
刘金在我看来,也许我们每个人的主观意识体验可能存在着很大的不同,但是这并不能否认我们对于他人不幸的同情和关爱,这是我们人之为人的本质所在。 孟子曾经说过“人之所以异于禽兽者几希,庶民去之,君子存之。舜明于庶物,察于人伦,由仁义行,非行仁义也。”在孟子的其他篇中也有类似的论述“今人乍见孺子将入于井,皆有怵惕恻隐之心,非所以内交于孺子之父母也,非所以要誉于乡党朋友也,非恶其声而然也。”也就是说我们每个人都具有恻隐之心,人与其他物种的不同之处也在于此。就像最近发生在杭州的杀妻案,虽然我们每个人的教育背景、成长环境和社会地位都有所不同,但是我们对这一事件的反应并没有很大的不同。我们也没有和受害者有过什么交际,更别说什么一模一样的感受了,为什么呢?为什么我们大多数人对这一事件都感到愤怒和难过呢?因为尽管我们每个人确实存在着很大的差异性,但是有一些东西我们是共通的。比如:对和平的向往,对于公平正义的追求,对于恶人的唾弃,等等。因此,我认为,我们确实不可否认个体的差异,但我们可以对他人的不幸有最起码怜悯和关怀。
张文佳I think to fully extent empathy to others is impossible but we can, to a certain extent do so. It is true that each of us has different life experience and life styles. Then it can be quite hard for us to really put ourselves in others' shoes especially in those situations that we may never be in, or at least not have been in for now. But I want to say that the intention to try to show empathy to others is really a good starting point. Sometimes, I find people may be too focused on their own feelings and ignore others. We may treat others in a way that we would not want to be treated, for example: telling some improper jokes and never consider whether it will be hurtful to your friends, asking some improper questions that would invade others' privacy and etc.
胡博元同学I think, when it comes to humans and other species with fundamental differences between them, empathy is indeed hard to spread. We can only relate other creature’s appearance or overall condition with our own way of expressing emotions. Furthermore, some creatures do not have self-conscious, which is even more beyond our imagination. This is why a vet treating a pet is way more difficult than a doctor treating a patient. However, with the development of neuroscience, we have gradually mastered the skill to measure the feelings of other animal, or people with zero communicative ability precisely. These tests can, to a certain extent, expand our empathy towards others.