
What is the significance of the Silk Road?

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  • 孙希怡
    The Silk Road effectively promoted the economic and cultural exchanges between the East and the West and played a positive role in the prosperity of the Han Dynasty. The Silk Road greatly promoted the circulation of commodities, taking the lead in realizing trade and economic exchanges between the East and the West. The Silk Road broke new ground by connecting the East and the West, and for the first time built a global transportation network.


  • 刘昊昀
    The Silk Road plays an important role in Chinese culture.Linking China and the Western Countries,it greatly promoted the development of the world.Also,it is a nice channel for exchanges between China and the world.This helped to shape the ancient Chinese culture.


  • 张柏玮
    The significance of the Silk Road is mainly to promote the cultural exchanges between the East and the West, promote the trade circulation between the East and the West, so that Chinese goods can be delivered to foreign countries, and also foreign treasures can be delivered to China, while expanding China's scope of domination and influence


  • 许炳耀
    The opening of the Silk Road, which is still an important way of communication between China and the West, greatly promoted the economic and cultural exchanges between the East and the West, and played a positive role in promoting the prosperity of the Han Dynasty.andIt is still an important channel of communication between China and the West


  • 秦毅统
    The Silk Road promoted the blending of Chinese and Western cultures and the development of Chinese and Western commerce. At the same time, it promoted the friendly exchanges between the East and the West. It has made indelible contributions to the progress and development of human society


  • 杨玉文
         The Silk Road played an important role in Chinese history.As a trade route,the silk road  enabled economic become more properous,it created quite a few economic interests for China and the country along the silk road.In addition,it connected the country along the road and boomed and enhance their culture and cilvilization communication,it makes a difference to the world and it is signifant to develop the Silk Road in effect to continue to make the China and the country along the road to commicate culture ,economoic,tourism.


  • 高悦容

     The Silk Road is the earlist and the most significant way to connect our country with others.And through this way,we exchanged various of items like fruits ,vegetables, faith ,and so on , which made dramatically progress in our economy and civilisation.Nowadays , the  Silk Road is still seen as a symbol of bonds.


  • 周治旭

    The Silk Road functioned not only as a trade route, but also as a bridge that linked the ancient   civilizations of China , India,the Mesopotamian plains,Egypt,and   Greece.It also helped to   promote the exchange of science and technology between east and west. The Silk Road served as   the main channel for ancient China to open up to the outside world, as well as for fresh impulses   from other cultures to enter the country, which contributed a significant share to the shaping of   Chinese culture.The exchange of new goods and technologies from different continents greatly helped   to promote the development of all the civilizations involved.


  • 马荣瑾
    The Silk Road functioned not only as a trade route, but also as a bridge that linked the ancient civilizations of China, India, the Mesopotamian plains, Egypt, and Greece. It also helped to promote the exchange of science and technology between east and west. The Silk Road served as the main channel for ancient China to open up to the outside world, as well as for fresh impulses from other cultures to enter the country.From my perspective,the Silk Road is a important bridge to connect the China and world.It has many benefits in economy,culture,and so on.By it,China and other countries got things which they didn't have.And it is the good example for the future.


  • 潘佳仪
    The Silk Road played an important role in history.The Silk Road functioned not only as a trade route, but also as a bridge that linked the ancient civilizations of China, India, the Mesopotamian plains, Egypt, and Greece.The silk road was a famous land trade route that traversed Asia and connected Eurasia in ancient times. It expanded China's foreign economic trade and made the world know China. Trading activities along the Silk Road over many centuries facilitated the transmission not just of goods but also ideas and culture, notably in the area of religions, Buddhism and art.
