
5.What is Chinese ideological concept on colors? 43%


What is Chinese ideological concept on colors?




  • 用户664615
    Chinese artists have a special, fervent love for the black-and-white world featured simply with black ink on white paper or silk. A white-and-black world, to Chinese people, is a colorless world without bright, gorgeous colors. Chinese painting basically attached great importance to color. A good example is that, in the early days, paintings were called "red and green color" in China. Chinese artists used to advocate "applying color to depict color" – given the diversely colorful world, it is the artist's responsibility to reproduce the world with variegated colors. Yet the ink-and-wash painting triumphed over this tradition to become superior to all other genres of traditional Chinese fine arts.


  • 薛筱怡
    The Chinese traditional color concept is deeply rooted in the traditional culture, and is greatly influenced by the traditional philosophical thought, moral concept, religion and etiquette, it not only represents the unique aesthetic way of the ancient Chinese, but also reflects the traditional Chinese philosophy of life, which is symbolic and suggestive. The traditional Chinese theory of“Five-color view” contains rich cultural details. The five-color system is the external reflection of the Chinese People's internal consciousness and a unique cultural phenomenon in the process of human civilization.


  • 用户664615

    Chinese artists have a special, fervent love for the black-and-white world featured simply with black ink on white paper or silk. A white-and-black world, to Chinese people, is a colorless world without bright, gorgeous colors. Chinese painting basically attached great importance to color. A good example is that, in the early days, paintings were called "red and green color" in China. Chinese artists used to advocate "applying color to depict color" – given the diversely colorful world, it is the artist's responsibility to reproduce the world with variegated colors. Yet the ink-and-wash painting triumphed over this tradition to become superior to all other genres of traditional Chinese fine arts.


  • 连敏行
    Chines artists have a special, fervent love for the black and witre world featured simply with black ink on wite paper or silk. A wite and black world, to Chinese people, is a colorless world without bright gorgeous color. Chinese painting basically attached great importance to color


  • 220240117熊宇鑫
    The most profound influence of Chinese traditional color concept is the "five-color concept", which was formed in the long-term production and practice of the ancestors. Under the promotion of the thought of the hundred schools of thought in the pre-Qin period, it gradually improved into a set of color concept combining the view of nature and social view -- the "five-color system". Through the five monochrome "blue, red, yellow, white, black" to convey people's emotions and will.


  • 许跞含
    All bright, upward, positive, hot, positive, male, and powerful belong to the category of Yang. On the contrary, dark, downward, negative, cold, negative, female and weak belong to the category of yin. Yin and Yang are everywhere: the day is yang, and the night is yin; Work and exercise are yang, rest and sleep are yin; The clothes we wear are positive on the front and negative on the back; The subject of a painting is yang, and the background is yin; In a family, the male host is Yang, and the female host is Yin; The elders are yang, and the younger are yin.


  • 李怡萱220240206
    Chinese artists have a special ,fervent love for the black-and-write world,with black ink and write paper .To Chinese people,is a colorless world without bright,gorgeous colors.Also,Chinese painting basically attached great importance to color.In Chinese culture there has always been a cautious attitude toward very bright colors.


  • 胡飒220540132
    The Chinese emphasize the appearance of color, painting with a variety of colors to show
