艾伦•坡的这篇科幻小说《气球骗局》,最早发布于1844年,那时,(即《气球》)曾被误作新闻报道而被刊登在《纽约太阳报》上。艾伦•坡依据所了解的科学知识,完全通过想象,在小说中详细地描述了气球驾驶员蒙克•梅森一行八人,本打算通过乘坐一个充满煤气的气球,飞越英吉利海峡抵达巴黎的科学冒险活动,但在飞行过程中,受风向的影响,而飞向了相反的北美大陆,他们乘着风势,历经75个小时,正如文中所说“轻而易举、顺顺利利地飞越了大西洋”的故事。时隔两天之后,这篇所谓的报道才被报社收回,报社承认:它对气球和旅途的叙述,细节翔实,论证科学,以假乱真,人们阅读它产生极大的乐趣和满足感, 一点也不觉得这是不可能的。
The story now known as The Balloon-Hoax was first printed in The Sun newspaper in New York. The article provided a detailed and highly plausible account of a lighter-than-air balloon trip by famous European balloonist Monck Mason across the Atlantic Ocean taking 75 hours, along with a diagram and specifications of the craft.The story may have later been an inspiration for Jules Verne's Around the World in Eighty Days. As Verne scholar William Butcher pointed out, Verne was an early admirer of Poe and his novel Cinq semaines en ballon (Five Weeks in a Balloon) was published within a year of his nonfiction book Edgar Poe et ses oeuvres (Edgar Allan Poe and his Works). Verne even has a character mention Poe's story in From the Earth to the Moon. It is not difficult to see Poe's works, published in France as Histoires extraordinaires (Extraordinary Stories), as one of the influences on Verne's Voyages extraordinaires (Extraordinary Journeys).
The Balloon-Hoax is the title used in collections and anthologies of a newspaper article written by Edgar Allan Poe, first published in 1844. Originally presented as a true story, it detailed European Monck Mason's trip across the Atlantic Ocean in only three days in a gas balloon. It was later revealed as a hoax and the story was retracted two days later.
人们阅读它产生极大的乐趣和满足感, 一点也不觉得这是杜撰的。—纽约太阳报社
From the Inside Flap:
Poe's best-loved tales are destined to capture the imagination of a generation new to the master of terror, as well as delight longtime admirers of Poe, who will find much to relish in this haunting interpretation."
- 气球骗局
- The Balloon-Hoax
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