• 内容简介
  • 在中国,即使孩子已成年,父母对他们的爱仍然能让孩子们透不过气。不过以局外人的观点来看,这看起来像个令人哭笑不得的黑色幽默。当你在公共游乐场所看到打扮成米老鼠造型的卡通人物时,你猜这些卡通形象是由什么人扮演的呢?可能是小孩?不,事实上卡通服里的扮演者是成年人,因为这种卡通形象通常较高,而且走起来也费力。但我怎么也不会想到穿这种卡通服装的是个上了年纪的老妇。


    The way some Chinese parents shower love on their grown-up children can be smothering, but from an outsider's perspective it may look like a black comedy eliciting laughs and tears in equal measure. When you spot a Mickey Mouse actor at a public recreation area, who do you think is inside the costume? A child, perhaps? No, it's an adult because the figure is much taller and moves about with energy. Never in my wildest imagination would I say an elderly woman.

    But Yang Zhiqiao is 75 and retired. She dons the Mickey Mouse costume in Luoyang, Henan province, to earn some pocket money from passersby, which she saves for her son. "My son is 40 and is still single. I don't want to be a burden to him. I want to help him financially so he can get a wife," the Henan native says.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 世上的父母都爱子女,但是在不同的文化背景下,这种爱的表现方式也会有所不同。在某个国家可被接受的方式在另一个国家的人看来或许是无度的溺爱。中国父母对孩子过分溺爱,说中国的孩子是“小皇帝”一点也不过分。父母十分想把他们的一切都传给子女,不论是财富还是社会地位。

  • 目录
    • 中国父母不懂放手的艺术
    • The difficult art of letting go