• 内容简介
  • 主动和上进能够帮助刚毕业的大学生成功踏入职场。



    With a self-starting, entrepreneurial attitude, new college grads can put themselves on the road to career success.

    In the coming weeks, many of the nation's college seniors will receive their degrees. For members of the class of 2014 who aren't going on to graduate school, the next step is finding full-time employment.

    In a rapidly changing job market that features post-graduation internships and freelance work more and more frequently, some new grads may feel overwhelmed thinking about their career prospects. But Monica Smith, founder and CEO of direct response marketing firm Marketsmith Inc. and data gathering platform I.Predictus, believes that an entrepreneurial approach to job hunting can set workforce newcomers on the road to success.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 调查显示,越来越多的中国大学毕业生选择找工作,而不是继续深造。而根据教育部数据显示,今年的大学毕业生人数将会达到727万的新高,高于2013年的699万。尽管过去三年的经济回暖给用人单位和求职者都带来了信心,但是大学生们所面临的就业形势依旧十分严峻。在本期内容中,数据采集平台I.Predictus的创始人兼首席执行官莫妮卡•史密斯为即将开启职业生涯的大学毕业生们提出了五条宝贵的建议。

  • 目录
    • 给大学毕业生的五条建议
    • 更多毕业生选择进入职场而非继续深造
    • 5 Job Search Tips for New College Graduates
    • Graduates pick work instead of taking advanced degrees