• 内容简介
  • Traveling is not a list of must-see attractions, but a blank diary to record the memories which remind us that learning is a lifelong journey. These memoirs are meant to open a window to reveal the everyday details that encapsulate the souls of the cities that I have visited.

    Prague is never a quiet city. Some may attribute it to the endless throngs of tourists that swarm the city, who clad themselves in sweat-drenched T-shirts emblazoned with American brands and clutch cell phone cameras that have now become an extension of the human body.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 旅行的目的不在于终点,而在于沿途的风景。置身布拉格的旅行之中,你所能感受到的不仅是该座城市的特色美景,更多的还是其动听的旋律。音乐是这座城市的灵魂所在。街头艺人的表演、商人的叫卖声、教堂的钟楼声等等,带领人们走进了别样的音乐世界。


    Leo Luo出生于加拿大温哥华,来自一个中国家庭。他经历了东西方两种文化的交融。Leo热爱阅读和写作,毕业于美国著名私立学校Phillips Exeter Academy。在高中三年时间里,他不仅扩展了自己在历史和国际关系方面的兴趣,同时广交来自世界各地的朋友。Leo现就读于美国乔治敦大学。他衷心感谢父母和家人对他的莫大支持和无私帮助。

  • 目录
    • The Soul of the City: Prague