• 导读
  • 作者那单纯放荡而甜蜜的往事,那忧伤结局,美得令人心碎,美得令人惊叹。

  • 内容简介
  • 一幅充满诗情画意,田园牧歌式的生活场景却演绎了一幕哀怨、悔恨的爱情悲剧,一波三折,令人叹息。《苹果树》这部中篇小说,作者自许为他最好的故事之一,文字优美、耐读。通篇描写青年大学生艾舍斯特因“怜悯”爱上天真纯朴的村姑梅根,与她在苹果树下定情;又因阶级意识而将她抛弃。他造成一起恋爱悲剧,而最终他又为此伤感,因为他遗失了生活中最美好的东西——“那苹果树、那歌声和那金子”。

    The Apple Tree has shown a romantic realistic inclination. In this novel, Galsworthy tells us the love tragedy between Ashurst and Megan. It is found that the origin of the tragedy is the unequal capitalist society. Ashurst has dual personality. On one hand, he is selfish, irresponsible, and eager to defend for himself and deceives himself as well as others; on the other hand, he indulges himself in pity and chivalry.

  • 作者简介
  •  高尔斯华绥(1867-1933)是英国小说家、剧作家,生于伦敦,曾在牛津大学读法律,后放弃律师工作从事文学创作。 1906年,高尔斯华绥完成长篇小说《有产业的人》,获得广泛好评,他也因此而被公认为英国第一流作家。高尔斯华绥是个多产作家,在二十多年的创作生涯中,几乎每年写一部小说和一部剧本。1932年,高尔斯华绥因其描述的卓越艺术——这种艺术在《福尔赛世家》中达到高峰而获得诺贝尔文学奖金。

    John Galsworthy (14 August 1867—31 January 1933) was an English novelist and playwright. Notable works include The Forsyte Saga (1906—1921) and its sequels, A Modern Comedy and End of the Chapter. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1932.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 作者那单纯放荡而甜蜜的往事,那忧伤结局。是种伤残的美,美得令人心碎,美得令人惊叹。这是一篇唯美之作。只有既美妙又具悲剧色彩的爱情才能震撼我们的心灵。

  • 媒体书评
  • This work by John Galsworthy (pictured) is surely one of the greatest short stories in the English language. It sensitively and artistically delineates the deep feelings, the rapture, the ecstasy, the tragedy, and the compromises and social strictures that surround erotic and romantic love. I think it also says something new to modern men and women who live in a world of cheapened sex, who may not yet understand how deeply Cupid’s arrow may—and indeed, ought to—pierce. (Kevin Alfred Strom)

  • 目录
    • 苹果树