《布朗神父探案集》是有史以来最为出色的短篇推理系列之一。在短篇小说黄金时代,布朗神父是少数能够走出 福尔摩斯阴影、自立门户的侦探形象。切斯特顿异想天开的谜题设计和作品中透出的极强的人性洞察力,是这个系列盛名不坠的主要原因。
The first of G.K. Chesterton's books about seemingly hapless sleuth Father Brown, The Innocence of Father Brown collects twelve classic tales: "The Blue Cross," "The Secret Garden," "The Queer Feet," "The Flying Stars," "The Invisible Man," "The Honour of Israel Gow," "The Wrong Shape," "The Sins of Prince Saradine," "The Hammer of God," "The Eye of Apollo," "The Sign of the Broken Sword," and "The Three Tools of Death." "Father Brown is a direct challenge to the conventional detective and in many ways he is more amusing and ingenious.
- The Blue Cross
- The Secret Garden
- The Queer Feet
- The Flying Stars
- The Invisible Man
- The Honour of Israel Gow
- The Wrong Shape
- The Sins of Prince Saradine
- The Hammer of God
- The Eye of Apollo
- The Sign of the Broken Sword
- The Three Tools of Death
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