叶芝中期创作的诗歌主要包括《在七片树林里》(In the Seven Woods,1904)《绿色头盔及其他》(The Green Helmet and Other Poems,1910)《责任》 ,(Responsibilities,1914)《库尔的野天鹅》 ,(The Wild Swan at Coole,1917,1919)以及《迈克尔·罗巴茨与舞蹈家》(Michael Robartes and theDancer,1921),其时间跨度约为1899年《芦苇中的风》出版之后至1926年《幻象》 (A Vision,1925)出版之前。关于叶芝诗歌时期的划分,并没有截然的界限,主要以其诗歌主题、风格变换为参照。正当叶芝感到早期风格已到顶点,而新的发展方向尚未明确时,艾兹拉·庞德进入了叶芝的生活圈子,并对其新风格的形成产生了很大影响。这种影响直接导致了叶芝中期诗歌中有一种新的精微的具体性,这一特点同庞德的意象派诗歌有共通之处。这种变化不仅表现在内容上,也表现在措词上,其结果就是一种新的质朴无华的、具体的风格。它更关注精神的意象和细节,所表现的情感也更为明确。
W. B. Yeats was Romantic and Modernist, mystical dreamer and leader of the Irish Literary Revival, Nobel prizewinner, dramatist and, above all, poet. He began writing with the intention of putting his 'very self' into his poems. T. S. Eliot, one of many who proclaimed the Irishman's greatness, described him as 'one of those few whose history is the history of their own time, who are part of the consciousness of an age which cannot be understood without them'. For anyone interested in the literature of the late nineteenth century and the twentieth century, Yeats's work is essential. This volume gathers the full range of his published poetry, from the hauntingly beautiful early lyrics (by which he is still fondly remembered) to the magnificent later poems which put beyond question his status as major poet of modern times. Paradoxical, proud and passionate, Yeats speaks today as eloquently as ever.
- Poems