• 导读
  • 一只蟋蟀引发了对爱情的考验,对真爱的追求,蟋蟀能成为这家人的守护神吗?

    "The Cricket on the Hearth" is Charles Dickens 1845 novella, which marks the third of five Christmas books written by the author between 1843 and 1847. It is the story of John Peerybingle and his family who are visited by a guardian angel in the form of a cricket who is constantly chirping on their hearth. A delightfully fantastic story, "The Cricket on the Hearth" was the best-selling of Dickens five Christmas books and is a perfect little tale for the Christmas holiday season.

  • 内容简介
  • 这则发行于1845年的短篇故事是则基督教故事。这本书并没有分章节,而是以小段来划分的。故事围绕着一个有蟋蟀的家庭展开,这只蟋蟀是这家人的守护天使。有一次蟋蟀警告这家的主人他妻子有外遇。不过这只是个悲剧的开端,整个事件进行地很顺利。爱让这位女性重获新生。

    This novella published in 1845 is a Christmas story. Instead of chapters this book is divided into Chirps. The story revolves around a family with a cricket in the house. The cricket is their guardian angel. At one point the cricket warns the master that his wife may be having an affair. Even though this seems to be a tragic occurrence all is well in the end. Love prevails and a girl may regain her sight. This is a Christmas tale after all.

  • 作者简介
  • 查尔斯·狄更斯(1812年2月7日—1870年6月9日),19世纪英国批判现实主义小说家。狄更斯特别注意描写生活在英国社会底层的“小人物”的生活遭遇,深刻地反映了当时英国复杂的社会现实,为英国批判现实主义文学的开拓和发展做出了卓越的贡献。他的作品至今依然盛行,对英国文学发展起到了深远的影响。主要作品《匹克威克外传》、《雾都孤儿》、《老古玩店》、《艰难时世》、《我们共同的朋友》、《双城记》等。

    Charles John Huffam Dickens (7 February 1812-9 June 1870) was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world's most well-known fictional characters and is generally regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian period. During his life, his works enjoyed unprecedented popularity, and by the twentieth century he was widely seen as a literary genius by critics and scholars. His novels and short stories continue to be widely popular.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 一只蟋蟀引发了对爱情的考验,以及对真爱的追求。《灶上蟋蟀》是狄更斯所著的五本圣诞读物中的第三本,与他一贯的写作风格不同,这次他抛开了社会批判、时政等主题,笔墨着重于“爱情”,以拟人化的手法讲述了一只蟋蟀引发的一系列故事。


  • 目录
    • CHAPTER I-Chirp the First
    • CHAPTER II-Chirp the Second
    • CHAPTER III-Chirp the Third