• 导读
  • 理查德•洛夫莱斯,英国诗人,毅然与未婚妻告别,奔赴那刀光剑影、血肉横飞的战场,这本应该是一曲斗士以身报国的激昂慷慨的战歌。但诗人却将 “爱情” 的主调唱响,并把自己的行为当作了衬垫与背景,把 “爱人” 推到前台。与其说 “诗人” 形象高大,不如说 “爱人” 的人格魅力更加光辉照人。用生动形象的诗句阐释和表现那种果敢刚毅的报国之心与深沉执着的热恋之情。

  • 内容简介
  • 理查德·洛夫莱斯,英国诗人,毅然与未婚妻告别,奔赴那刀光剑影、血肉横飞的战场,这本应该是一曲斗士以身报国的激昂慷慨的战歌。但诗人却将 “爱情” 的主调唱响,并把自己的行为当作了衬垫与背景,把 “爱人” 推到前台。与其说 “诗人” 形象高大,不如说 “爱人” 的人格魅力更加光辉照人。用生动形象的诗句阐释和表现那种果敢刚毅的报国之心与深沉执着的热恋之情。

    The collection Lucasta was published by Lovelace in 1649. The initial poems were addressed to Lucasta, not clearly identified with any real-life woman, under the titles Going beyond the Seas and Going to the Warres, on a chivalrous note.

  • 作者简介
  • Richard Lovelace was born into an old and wealthy Kentish family in 1618 in Woolwich. He was the eldest son of Sir William Lovelace who had served in the Low Countries and who was killed in action in 1627. He was educated at Charterhouse School and at Gloucester Hall, Oxford. He was attractive, handsome, and witty, the very model of a courtier. His comedy, The Scholar, was acted at Oxford in 1636. King Charles I and Queen Henrietta Maria admired his demeanor so much when they visited Oxford in the same year that they had him created M.A. A key figure at court and close to the king, Lovelace took part in the King's military expeditions to Scotland in 1639-40. After the failure of the campaign he withdrew to his estates in Kent where he remained until 1642. Presumably, Lovelace made Sir John Suckling's acquaintance at this time.

  • 目录
    • PART I
    • PART II