• 导读
  • 《冬日里的莲花:泰戈尔经典诗选III》(双语诗歌•彩绘典藏系列)是送给尘世中疲惫心灵的佳礼。在喧闹、生活步调不断加快的现代社会中,若能静下心来读一首优美的诗,寻求内心的一点点平静感,那该是多么怡人的一件事。著名翻译家传世译作,世界绘画大师美绘配图,专业朗诵者倾情演绎。

    Fruit-Gathering was first published in 1916. Among the 86 poems contained in this book more than 50 are of religious temper collected from Gitimala, Gitali, Utsarga, Kheya, Naivedya and Gitanjali. The rest of the poems are from Katha and Balaka.FIREFLIES were proverbs, aphorisms and maxims originated in China and Japan and were often written on pieces of silk. Tagore visited Japan and collected them in his notebooks. Each firefly, rarely more than a sentence long, represents a luminous thought on love, life, beauty or God. Each page of this book contains a decorative design by Boris Artzybasheff with the short maxim of Tagore's beneath. The text also includes Tagore's Nobel Acceptance Speech.

  • 内容简介
  • 许多批评家都说,诗人是“人类的儿童”。因为他们都是天真的,善良的。在现代的许多诗人中,泰戈尔(Rabindranath Tagore) 更是一个“孩子天使”。他的诗正如这个天真烂漫的天使的脸;看着他,就“能够知道一切事物的意义”,就感得和平,感得安慰,并且知道真相爱。著“泰戈尔的哲学”的S.Radhakrishnan 说:泰戈尔著作之流行,之能引起全世界人的兴趣,一半在于他思想中高超的理想主义,一半在于他作品中的文学的庄严与美丽。



    Fruit-Gathering was first published in 1916. Among the 86 poems contained in this book more than 50 are of religious temper collected from Gitimala, Gitali, Utsarga, Kheya, Naivedya and Gitanjali. The rest of the poems are from Katha and Balaka.FIREFLIES were proverbs, aphorisms and maxims originated in China and Japan and were often written on pieces of silk. Tagore visited Japan and collected them in his notebooks. Each firefly, rarely more than a sentence long, represents a luminous thought on love, life, beauty or God. Each page of this book contains a decorative design by Boris Artzybasheff with the short maxim of Tagore's beneath. The text also includes Tagore's Nobel Acceptance Speech.

  • 作者简介
  • 泰戈尔,印度著名诗人、作家,第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的亚洲人,是向西方介绍印度文化和把西方文化介绍到印度的具有影响的人物。他继承了印度古典和民间文学的优秀传统,吸收了欧洲浪漫主义与现实主义文学的丰富营养,在创作上达到炉火纯青的地步,取得了辉煌成就,成为一代文化巨人。

    Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) wasa world-renowned Indianpoet, philosopher,educator, and also a short-story writer, songcomposer, playwright, essayist and painter. He was highly influential in reshaping and modernizingIndian literature and musicin the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as well as introducing the best of lndian culture to the West. Hispoemspenetrate a deep insight towards religion and philosophy.Gitanjali, The Crescent Moon and Stray Birds are his most famouscollections of poems. Tagore became the first non-European to winthe Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913.

  • 目录
    • 采果集 Fruit-Gathering
    • 流萤集 Fireflies
    • 版权页