• 导读
  • 西格,后人对他的记忆主要是因为他的预言诗《我和死亡有个约会》。该诗写后不久,他就在第一次世界大战著名的索姆河战役中阵亡。他的诗歌都收录在《诗集》里面,他死后同年出版。西格出生于纽约市,1910年毕业于哈佛大学。1912年,他前往巴黎。一战开始后不久,他参加了法国外籍军团。《阿兰·西格的信件和日志》在他去世后次年出版。此书是艾伦·西格的诗歌作品集,开始于1916年12月出版,但是由于诗集的题材更多的倾向于崇高的理想主义,语言的风格是二十世纪早期的风格,出版受阻。诗集这本书被评论家看作是一种自大,但是西格本身对自己的作品保持严肃态度,诗集本身体现出来的严肃态度并不仅仅展现在语言文字的正式性上,还体现在西格本人追求的诗意的高雅,一切都在西格本人身上体现着。

  • 内容简介
  • 此书是艾伦·西格的诗歌作品集,开始于1916年12月出版,但是由于诗集的题材更多的倾向于崇高的理想主义,语言的风格是二十世纪早期的风格,出版受阻。诗集这本书被评论家看作是一种自大,但是西格本身对自己的作品保持严肃态度,诗集本身体现出来的严肃态度并不仅仅展现在语言文字的正式性上,还体现在西格本人追求的诗意的高雅,一切都在西格本人身上体现着。

    Seeger's poetry was published by Charles Scribner's Sons in December 1916 with a 46 page introduction by William Archer. Poems, a collection of his works, was relatively unsuccessful, due, according to Eric Homberger, to its lofty idealism and language, qualities out of fashion in the early decades of the 20th century.

    Poems was reviewed in The Egoist, where the critic—T. S. Eliot, Seeger's classmate at Harvard—commented that, Seeger was serious about his work and spent pains over it. The work is well done, and so much out of date as to be almost a positive quality. It is high-flown, heavily decorated and solemn, but its solemnity is thorough going, not a mere literary formality. Alan Seeger, as one who knew him can attest, lived his whole life on this plane, with impeccable poetic dignity; everything about him was in keeping.

  • 作者简介
  • 艾伦·西格(AlanSeeger)(1888年6月22日-1916年7月4日),美国诗人,他在第一次世界大战期间参与法国外籍军团,于索姆河战役丧生。西格的的侄子是美国民谣歌手皮特·西格,他是T·S·艾略特在哈佛大学的同班同学。

    Alan Seeger (22 June 1888 – 4 July 1916) was an American poet who fought and died in World War I during the Battle of the Somme serving in the French Foreign Legion. Seeger was the uncle of American folk singer Pete Seeger, and was a classmate of T.S. Eliot at Harvard. He is most well known for having authored the poem, I Have a Rendezvous with Death, a favorite of President John F. Kennedy. A statue modeled after Seeger is found on the monument honoring fallen Americans who volunteered for France during the war, located at the Place des États-Unis, Paris. He is sometimes called the "American Rupert Brooke."

  • 目录
    • Introduction by William Archer
    • Juvenilia
    • Thirty Sonnets