In 1899 Thorstein Veblen published The Theory of the Leisure Class: A Economic Study of Institutions, which was to become the basis from which all further American leisure history and theory stemmed. In his study, Veblen is primarily concerned with the "new rich," whom he regards as social parasites that retard the growth of modern life. Thorstein Veblen wrote The Theory of the Leisure Class from a perspective that was largely isolated from his own culture, which either aided in his understanding of the Leisure Class or perhaps negatively influenced his opinions due to his exclusion from it.
- 序
- 第一章 绪言
- 第二章 金钱竞赛
- 第三章 炫耀性有闲
- 第四章 炫耀性消费
- 第五章 生活的金钱标准
- 第六章 金钱的品位准则
- 第七章 服装:金钱文化的一种表现
- 第八章 劳动免除与保守主义
- 第九章 远古性格特征的保存
- 第十章 现代残留的勇武精神
- 第十一章 相信运气
- 第十二章 宗教仪式
- 第十三章 非歧视性利益的残存
- 第十四章 高级学识:金钱文化的一种表现
- Chapter I Introductory
- Chapter II Pecuniary Emulation
- Chapter III Conspicuous Leisure
- Chapter IV Conspicuous Consumption
- Chapter V The Pecuniary Standard of Living
- Chapter VI Pecuniary Canons of Taste
- Chapter VII Dress as an Expression of the Pecuniary Culture
- Chapter VIII Industrial Exemption and Conservatism
- Chapter IX The Conservation of Archaic Traits
- Chapter X Modern Survivals of Prowess
- Chapter XI The Belief in Luck
- Chapter XII Devout Observances
- Chapter XIII Survivals of the Non-Invidious Interests
- Chapter XIV The Higher Learning as an Expression of the Pecuniary Culture