• 导读
  • 本书正文共四章,第一章,讨论了美国高等教育所面临的外部环境;第二部分探讨了美国高等教育所面临的两难困难;第三章阐述什么是普通教育;第四章从广义的角度分析论述了什么是高等教育。作者在书中提出许多观点,如高等教育中的职业教育化倾向,学科间的孤立主义现象,学习经典名著的价值和意义,大学应强调学生的思维训练等等,至今仍有很强的现实意义。

  • 内容简介
  • 此书最初出版于1904年,从此书出版之时起,此书就因其最发人深省的研究美国教育圈问题而变得著名。凡勃伦的教育观点被血多学者所接受,很多人认为他为大学教育的提升奠定了基础。现如今这一套体系同样也适用。此书在美国仍然被美国伟大的社会评论家认为是最具渗透性的读物。作者作为美国经济学家和社会学家,先后在耶鲁大学和霍普金斯大学以及耶鲁大学接受教育。作者有四部非常经典的作品。

    At the time of its initial publication in 1904, The Higher Learning in America was known in educated circles as the most reflective study ever made of the university system in America. Veblen's evaluation of the misleading notions and erroneous beliefs were inherent in "the higher learning" was received as fair by most academics. As a result, many believed he paved the way to an improved age in college education. Just as applicable today as they were decades ago, his sophisticated style remains deprecatingly amusing; his biting critique just as disquieting as it was at the turn of the 19th century.

  • 作者简介
  • 索尔斯坦•凡勃伦(Thorstein Bunde Veblen,1857—1929),美国社会学家、 经济学家,制度学派的创始人和主要代表人物。生于美国威斯康星州一个挪威移民家庭。先后就读于霍普金斯大学和耶鲁大学。曾在 芝加哥大学、 斯坦福大学、 密苏里大学和新社会研究学院等校任教。主要作品《有闲阶级论》、《企业论》、《德意志帝国和工业革命》、《科学在现代文明中的地位》等。

    Veblen is famous for the idea of "conspicuous consumption." Conspicuous consumption, along with "conspicuous leisure," is performed to demonstrate wealth or mark social status. Veblen explains the concept in his best-known book, The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899). Within the history of economic thought, Veblen is considered the leader of the institutional economics movement. Veblen's distinction between "institutions" and "technology" is still called the Veblenian dichotomy by contemporary economists.

  • 目录
    • CHAPTER I Introductory: The Place of the University in Modern Life
    • CHAPTER II The Governing Boards
    • CHAPTER III The Academic Administration and Policy
    • CHAPTER IV Academic Prestige and the Material Equipment
    • CHAPTER V The Academic Personnel
    • CHAPTER VI The Portion of the Scientist
    • CHAPTER VII Vocational Training
    • CHAPTER VIII Summary and Trial Balance