    True accounts add to authenticity of history

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  • 不吸取历史的教训,就会导致重演历史错误。作者以“文化大革命”为例,这是一件需要我们深刻反省,努力汲取教训的重大历史事件。然而随着时间的流逝,越来越少的人在意这件事了,甚至至今没有一本中国人撰写的有关文革的比较权威的著作。最近由阎长贵和王广宇撰写的《问史》一书出版,在书中讲述了当时的亲身经历和一些不为人知的事件。这不仅对这一历史事件意义重大,同时对真实客观的记录历史也起到了推动作用。

    Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. That definitely refers to the disastrous part of history, such as China’s “cultural revolution”. To avoid such nightmares from being repeated, a true account of what has happened is necessary for learning the lessons in history. Yet, as far as history books on that period are concerned, there has not been even a single authentic book by Chinese about it. We need the whole truth about historical figures rather than political labels. We need more writers to write about the part of history by telling what they know about the details of a particular event or person.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 历史不能长久被欺骗,正像民众不能长久被欺骗一样。“文化大革命”就是一个真实的例子。我们必需承认这是中国历史上一个重大的错误,只有正确的认识它才能避免重蹈覆辙。但是随着岁月的流逝,越来越少的人追问这段历史,它也就真的被尘封在史册。本期杂志以阎长贵和王广宇所著《问史》一书为例,旨在唤醒大众对史实的重视,希望有更多的文人志士对真实的历史进行记录,公之于众。

  • 目录
    • 真实的叙述为历史增添厚重感
    • True accounts add to authenticity of history