    Round about My Peking Garden

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  • ¥13.90

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  • 以西方知识女性的独特视角,再现20世纪初的北京城。

    Round about My Peking Garden is a memoirs of the writer's life and experience in Beijing. Mrs Archibald Little describes places of historic interest and scenic beauty, natural sceneries and social customs in Beijing and its roundabout areas from the view of a western intellectual woman. Round about My Peking Garden brings to life the social life and historical events of Beijing in early 20th century.The book is a good long travel notes.

  • 内容简介
  • 《我的北京花园》是一部以北京游历为主要题材的回忆录。作者阿奇博尔德·立德夫人以其西方知识女性的独特视角,生动细致地描绘了北京及周围地区的许多名胜古迹、自然风光和风俗民情,同时还以传神的笔触再现了20世纪初发生在北京的许多社会生活场景和历史事件,是一部不可多得的情景交融、文采飞扬的长篇游记作品。

    Round about My Peking Garden is a memoirs of the writer's life and experience in Beijing. Mrs Archibald Little describes places of historic interest and scenic beauty, natural sceneries and social customs in Beijing and its roundabout areas from the view of a western intellectual woman. Round about My Peking Garden brings to life the social life and historical events of Beijing in early 20th century.The book is a good long travel notes.

  • 作者简介
  • 英国人阿奇博尔德.立德夫人(Mrs. Archibald Little,1845-1926)为英国商人阿奇博尔德.约翰.立德先生(Archibald John Little,1838-1908)之妻,1887年立德夫人随先生来华,在中国生活长达20年(1887-1907),到各地旅行、考察、参加社会活动等,足迹遍布神州大地,是一位非常活跃的外侨夫人和知名作家。她还曾发起组织中国妇女天足会,是近代中国不缠足运动的先驱人物。在华期间,她以阿奇博尔德.立德夫人之名,撰写、发表有关中国题材的作品,先后出版了9部英文著作(《穿蓝色长袍的国度》、《走进中国》等)。其所写游记在西方广受欢迎,她在当时享有“著名的中国专家”之美誉。《我的北京花园》是立德夫人在华撰写的最后一部作品,也是她专门以北京游历为主要题材的唯一一部回忆录。

    Mrs.Archibald Little(1845-1926) is the British businessman Mr.Archibald Little’s wife. They lived in China for 20 years (1887-1907), travelling around the country.She is a very active lady and famous writer.

  • 目录
    • 总序
    • 前言
    • Peking Revisited: Introductory
    • CHAPTER I In a Peking Garden
    • CHAPTER II How the Court Came back to Peking
    • CHAPTER III Official And Rank Distinctions
    • CHAPTER IV An Imperial Funeral
    • CHAPTER V Pekingese Dogs and Gold and Silver Fish
    • CHAPTER VI The Western Hills
    • CHAPTER VII Round about Our Garden
    • CHAPTER VIII Seaside Resorts
    • CHAPTER IX Imperial Hot Springs and the Ming Tombs
    • CHAPTER X To Kalgan and the Mongolian Grass Land
    • CHAPTER XI Among Peking Palaces
    • CHAPTER XII The Hsiling, or Western Tombs
    • CHAPTER XIII Lama and Confucian Temples
    • CHAPTER XIV On the Drum and Bell Towers
    • CHAPTER XV Many Kinds of Temples
    • CHAPTER XVI What Ought to Be Done with the Temple Buildings
    • CHAPTER XVII An Interlude of Reflections
    • CHAPTER XVIII Examination Hall and Observatory, Together with Some Chinese Manners and Customs
    • CHAPTER XIX A Tale of Two Chinese Students
    • CHAPTER XX How Not to Do It in Peking
    • CHAPTER XXI Five Nations' Soldiers, as Seen in China
    • CHAPTER XXII To Port Arthur
    • 版权页