Darwin's theory that man's ancestors were apes caused an uproar within the scientific world, as well as public frenzy when The Origin of Species was published in 1859. Arguments still rage about the implications of his evolutionary theory, and skepticism about the value of Darwin's contribution to knowledge is widespread. In this analysis of Darwin's major insights and arguments, Jonathan Howard reasserts the importance of Darwin's work for the development of modern biology. He offers a stimulating view of the famous scientist in a concise, handy format, making it a masterpiece for all Darwinians as well as for all general readers of popular science.
- 版权页
- 引用文献及其缩写形式
- 序言
- 第一章 达尔文生平
- 第二章 达尔文主义的基础
- 第三章 自然选择与物种起源
- 第四章 自然选择进化论的证据
- 第五章 性、变异和遗传
- 第六章 人类
- 第七章 完善与进步
- 第八章 达尔文主义与意识形态
- 第九章 综评:科学家达尔文
- 补充读物简介
- 书评 写书评
- 笔记