• 导读
  • 恐龙爱好者的必读佳作,满足你对恐龙世界的一切向往。

  • 内容简介
  • 人们对恐龙的迷恋似乎是永无止境的,众多有关恐龙的热门电影和纪录片声称准确再现了这些动物,从而愈加突出了恐龙的魅力。但是这些复原的可靠性如何?它们能够真正反映恐龙世界的新发现或最近的研究成果吗?戴维·诺曼的这本小书阐述了从古代神话到现代科学人们解读恐龙的详细历史,着重展现了科学家是如何将解剖学、遗传学、法医学,甚至工程设计学结合在一起,来研究和描绘恐龙的外表特征、食性、运动模式以及相互交流方式的,可谓古生物学研究者和恐龙爱好者的必读佳作。

    The popularity of dinosaurs seems never ending, as evidenced by the popularity of films such Jurassic Park and documentaries like Walking with Dinosaurs. But how much do these types of entertainment really tell us about recent scientific discoveries and the latest research into the world of the dinosaur?This is the first book explain how scientists have been able to put together a picture of how dinosaurs looked, what they ate, and how they moved and interacted with each other. Taking a new approach to the subject, David Norman combines different areas of science, such as anatomy, genetics, forensics, and engineering design, to piece together the latest evidence of how animal life evolved on earth. Norman engagingly lays out the history of dinosaur research, from the speculation over ancient myths about dragons, to the latest virtual reality animation sequences and engineering design analysis. He also discusses the role that informed speculation and luck has played in many of the major discoveries.This book is a fantastic introduction for those just beginning to take an interest in dinosaurs and a must-read for true dinosaur-lovers who want to know not just the latest theories and discoveries, but how scientists achieved them.

  • 作者简介
  • 戴维·诺曼,剑桥大学基督学院塞奇威克地球科学博物馆馆长,古脊椎动物学高级讲师。他致力于古生物学、解剖学和进化等领域的研究,已出版多部图书并获奖,包括《恐龙百科图解》、《恐龙!》等。

    David Norman is Director, Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge University and the author of several books, including The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Dinosaurs and The Big Book of Dinosaurs.

  • 目录
    • 版权页
    • 绪论
    • 第一章 恐龙大观
    • 第二章 恐龙复兴
    • 第三章 禽龙新知
    • 第四章 恐龙系谱解析
    • 第五章 恐龙和热血
    • 第六章 如果鸟类是恐龙会怎么样?
    • 第七章 恐龙研究:观察和推断
    • 第八章 对过去进行研究的前景