    Drugs, Politics,and Culture

  • 讲   师:

    • 休·盖斯特森
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  • 该课程探究:在跨文化视角下毒品、政治和社会的关系;“传统”社会对情绪变化物质和习惯养成物质的使用情况;随着资本主义发展而发展的糖类、鸦片、可卡因的全球贸易;以及探究美国人对酒精、迷幻药、百忧解的使用和滥用情况。最终课程审视人们向毒品发起的战争、对烟草态度的改变,还将评估美国当前的禁毒法律。

    THis course examines the relationship between drugs, politics, and society in cross-cultural perspective; use of mind-altering and habit-forming substances by "traditional societies"; the development of a global trade in sugar, opium, and cocaine with the rise of capitalism; and the use and abuse of alcohol, LSD, and Prozac in the US. It finishes by looking at the war on drugs, shifting attitudes to tobacco, and by evaluating America's drug laws.

  • 课程简介
  • 该课程研究了一些能导致情绪变化的物质和文化进程之间的关系,并研究毒品和贫困、宗教、科技、代际关系冲突、殖民主义和全球资本主义等现象之间的关系。阅读材料包括酒精、迷幻剂、可卡因和摇头丸等物质对人们生理和心理方面的影响,并讨论不同的社会为什么会禁止和允许不同的毒品。该课程还研究情绪变化物质在一些“传统”社会的使用情况,随后研究在全球资本主义的演变过程中糖类、咖啡、茶、尼古丁、可卡因、大麻等此类物质的全球性贸易发展情况。

    This class examines the relationship between a number of mind-altering substances and cultural processes. We look at the relationship between drugs and such phenomena as poverty, religion, technology, inter-generational conflict, colonialism, and global capitalism. We read about the physiological and psychological effects of these substances -- ranging from alcohol to LSD, cocaine and ecstasy -- and ask why different societies prohibit and sanction different drugs. This course also examines the use of mind-altering substances in a number of "traditional" societies, and follows the development of a global trade in such substances as sugar, coffee, tea, nicotine, cocaine, and marijuana concurrent with the evolution of global capitalism.

  • 讲师简介
  • 休·盖斯特森出生在英国。1980年在剑桥大学取得历史学士学位,1982年在宾夕法尼亚大学获得人类学硕士学位,1992年拿到斯坦福大学人类学博士学位。1992-2006年期间他任教于麻省理工学院,之后去了乔治梅森大学。他在美国和俄罗斯都进行过实地考察,研究核武器科学家以及反核武器积极分子的文化。作为科学人类学的创始人之一,盖里特森的著作针对军国主义以及更广的科学,近来他还写了伊拉克和阿富汗的镇压叛乱问题。他的著作有《核仪式》《原子弹爆炸区的人们》。

    Born in the UK, Hugh Gusterson took a B.A. in history at Cambridge University in 1980, a Masters degree in Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania in 1982, and a PhD in anthropology at Stanford University in 1992.He taught at MIT from 1992-2006 before moving to George Mason University.He has done fieldwork in the United States and Russia, where he has studied the culture of nuclear weapons scientists and antinuclear activists.As one of the founders of the anthropology of science,he writes about militarism.More recently he has written on counterinsurgency in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is the author of Nuclear Rites and People of the Bomb.

  • 目录
    • 第一讲 酒精在美国的情况
    • 第二讲 不同文化间的酒精差异
    • 第三讲 “原始” 药品
    • 第四讲 毒品和美国的反文化运动
    • 第五课 古柯碱,拉丁美洲和全球化
    • 第六课 打击毒品的战争
    • 第七课 现代制药业: 性
    • 第八课 大制药业
    • Lecture 1 Alcohol in the U.S.
    • Lecture 2 Alcohol Across Cultures
    • Lecture 3 Primitive Drugs
    • Lecture 4 Drugs and American Counterculture
    • Lecture 5 Cocaine Latin America and Globalization
    • Lecture 6 The War on Drugs
    • Lecture 7 Modern Pharmaceuticals Sex
    • Lecture 8 Big Pharma