    The Rocking-Horse Winner

  • 作   者:

    D. H. 劳伦斯

  • 译   者:

    河北军械工程学院 侯彩虹

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  • ¥2.90

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  • 英国现代主义作家劳伦斯是个多面手,在小说、诗歌和文学评论等方面都取得了杰出的成就。其短篇小说精练紧凑,意味隽永,具有浓郁的诗意,历来受到评者的激赏。不少批评家都认为,劳伦斯即使没写过其他作品,凭借其短篇小说也能跻身伟大作家的行列。《骑木马的优胜者》是劳伦斯短篇小说的代表作之一,写于其晚年时期,但直到他死后才得以发表。小说以童话般的笔调和节奏描写了小男孩保罗偶然间发现自己可以通过骑木马来预测赛马的赢家,但为了满足母亲的贪欲,只能拼命骑马最终力竭而死。小说深刻地抨击了现代文明的机械性和对人性的扼杀。

    The story describes a young middle-class Englishwoman who "had no luck." Though outwardly successful, she is haunted by a sense of failure; her husband is a ne'er-do-well and her work as a commercial artist doesn't earn as much as she'd like. The family's lifestyle exceeds its income and unspoken anxiety about money permeates the household. Her children, a son Paul and his two sisters, sense this anxiety, and Paul even claims he can hear the house "whispering": "There must be more money".

    Paul tells his Uncle Oscar Cresswell about betting on horse races with Bassett, the gardener. He's been placing bets using his pocket money and has won and saved three hundred twenty pounds. Sometimes he says he is "sure" of a winner for an upcoming race, and the horses he names do in fact win, sometimes at remarkable odds. Uncle Oscar and Bassett both place large bets on the horses Paul names.

    After further winning, Paul and Oscar arrange to give the mother a gift of five thousand pounds, but the gift only lets her spend more. Disappointed, Paul tries harder than ever to be "lucky". As the Derby approaches, Paul is determined to learn the winner. Concerned about his health, his mother rushes home from a party and discovers his secret. He has been spending hours riding his rocking horse, sometimes all night long, until he "gets there", into a clairvoyant state where he can be sure of the winner's name.

    Paul remains ill through the day of the Derby. Informed by Cresswell, Bassett has placed Paul's bet on Malabar, at fourteen to one and won 80,000 pounds. But the boy dies in the night because of tire and excessive mental strains.

  • 内容简介
  • 《骑木马的优胜者》讲述了一个叫保罗的男孩为了取悦爱慕虚荣、贪图享受的母亲,参加赌马。通过每次疯狂的摇动和鞭策自己的小木马,他能神秘的“感知”到哪匹马在赛马会上能赢得冠军。故事的结局是保罗最终因赌马为母亲赢得了八万多英镑,但长期的焦虑和精神紧张使他最终从木马背上摔下而丧命。保罗的死因是合力的作用,俄狄浦斯情结和父母、舅舅以及园丁巴西特追逐金钱的欲望是导致保罗丧命的两个主要原因。

    D.H.Lawrence's The Rocking-Horse Winner, a moving short story which deals with greed and the dangers of outright materialism. What D.H. Lawrence did so well in this short story was how he fully depicts the potent yet unverbalized influences on the psyche of the boy, as well as the subsequent changes in his feeling and behavior. The Rocking-Horse Winner is truly a tragic tale about a boy whose golden heart and gift for clairvoyance ultimately led to his demise, because of excessive, counter-productive greed and confusion besetting his mother, who adhered to a misunderstanding of the application of motivational greed, as opposed to an unbalanced obsession. Love and luck were equated according to the amount of money in the coffers. By a series of prognostications, the boy did bring the precious cash forth, all the while rocking violently on his magical rocking horse, which was actually a tool of mediation and focus for him to assuage the winning horse in the day's race. He was eventually driven insane by the a-dolt's pre-occupation until his demise. Ironically, in one scene, his mother admonished him to cast away his childish ways, when she herself did not realize her own compulsion.

  • 作者简介
  • 戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯(通常写作D. H. Lawrence),20世纪英国作家,是20世纪英语文学中最重要的人物之一,也是最具争议性的作家之一。主要成就包括小说、诗歌、戏剧、散文、游记和书信。作品主题多论及现代社会和工业化的不人道。作品中经常涉及心理、本能方面的描写。

    David Herbert Richards Lawrence (11 September 1885— 2 March 1930) was an English novelist, poet, playwright, essayist, literary critic and painter who published as D. H. Lawrence. His collected works represent an extended reflection upon the dehumanizing effects of modernity and industrialization. In them, Lawrence confronts issues relating to emotional health and vitality, spontaneity, and instinct.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 贪欲是引发故事一切矛盾的原因,它使人性扭曲、使人丧失爱心。当今社会,物欲横流,对于每个人来说,摆在面前的诱惑太多,欲望无穷无尽。我们每天都在疯狂地工作挣钱,就像保罗拼命地摇着木马,而没有意识到身体和心灵已经透支,危险即将来临。

  • 媒体书评
  • 劳伦斯是我们这个时代最伟大而充满想象力的作家,而他的伟大则以美学为其源泉。这位先知先觉者从内心发射着大自然的光彩,每一种颜色都熠熠生辉,每一个形状都各具特点。——【英】爱•摩•福斯特



    "No other writer with his imaginative standing has in our time written books that are so open to life." —Alfred Kazin

    “Lawrence had that quality of genius which sucks out of ordinary experience essences strange or unknown to men.” —Anaïs Nin

  • 目录
    • 骑木马的优胜者
    • The Rocking-Horse Winner