    Makes the Whole World Kin

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  • 一个平常的夜晚,在一栋平凡的房子里,一个特别的盗贼闯进了一间屋子,他没戴面罩,不用暗灯,也没穿胶鞋。屋子的主人躺在床上,患有风湿,发出轻微的呻吟。盗贼没有偷窃,主人没有受伤,他们成为了心心相惜的病友,相邀同去喝酒。欧·亨利对情节戏剧性的安排透露出了淡淡的人文关怀,出人意料的结尾蕴含着感人的力量。

    Makes the Whole World Kin is a short story written by O. Henry (a pen name for William Sydney Porter), allegedly at Pete's Tavern on Irving Place in New York City.

    The story starts with a young thief walking through a neighborhood, scouting for his next house. The thief is described as an ordinary man, with no extreme tendencies.

    Once he finds a respectable house, the thief climbs inside through an open window. Once inside, he scouts for valuable items. He discovers, to his amazement, that a light had been left on inside one of the bedrooms. As he walks inside, he finds an old man lying in bed, asleep. The thief wakes the man and instructs him to raise his hands. The old man can only lift one arm and proceeds to inform the thief that he suffers from rheumatism. The thief, shocked at what he hears, lowers the gun and tells his victim that he as well, suffers from the disease. They proceed to exchange words of comfort about the haunting pain, and the young thief asks for tips to dull the swellings. Though both are filled with hope, the old man warns the thief that the pain only gets worse and he must find a way to cope with it, in his later years. The old man, suggests that he have a drink.

    The young thief invites the old man for a drink at the local pub. He helps the old man get dressed and the two make their way for the bar. Outside the house, the old man realizes that he has no money with him. The thief, kindly, offers to pay for the drinks.

  • 内容简介
  • 窃贼迅速爬进了窗户,没戴面罩、不用暗灯、也没穿胶鞋,这是一个特别的盗贼。男主人躺在床上,发出低微的呻吟,梳妆台上乱七八糟的,这是一位特殊的公民。他们没有争吵,没有抢夺,没有威逼利诱,淡淡的对普通人的关怀从独特的结尾流露出来。

    Makes the Whole World Kin is a short story written by O. Henry (a pen name for William Sydney Porter), allegedly at Pete's Tavern on Irving Place in New York City.

    The story starts with a young thief walking through a neighborhood, scouting for his next house. The thief is described as an ordinary man, with no extreme tendencies.

  • 作者简介
  • 欧·亨利是其笔名,原名为威廉·西德尼·波特(William Sydney Porter)。美国著名批判现实主义作家,世界三大短篇小说大师之一。曾被评论界誉为曼哈顿桂冠散文作家和美国现代短篇小说之父。他的作品构思新颖,语言诙谐,结局常常出人意料,其中一些名篇如《爱的牺牲》、《警察与赞美诗》、《带家具出租的房间》、《贤人的礼物》、《最后一片藤叶》等使他获得了世界声誉。

    William Sydney Porter (September 11, 1862—June 5, 1910), known by his pen name O. Henry, was an American writer. O. Henry's short stories are known for their wit, wordplay, warm characterization and clever twist endings. The best known ones are A Service of Love, The Cop and the Anthem, The Furnished Room, The Gift of the Magi and The Last Leaf, which help him win fame abroad.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 欧·亨利总能很自然地将那些精彩故事娓娓道来。这些故事贴近生活,好似就发生在自己身边。在你开始对这种熟悉感到厌倦前,他又给你一个出人意料的结局,然后在你目瞪口呆的时候挥袖而去,只让你独自思考,流泪,微笑。

  • 媒体书评
  • 欧·亨利是20世纪初美国杰出的短篇小说大师,有“美国的莫泊桑”之称。他的作品因富于生活情趣被誉为“美国生活的幽默百科全书”。

    O. Henry's stories are gems of their kind; mellow, humorous, ironic, ingenious and shot through with that eminently salable quality known as 'human interest.'" —Bennet Cerf and Van Cartmell

  • 目录
    • 同病相怜
    • Makes the Whole World Kin