
决赛作品 Human and Civilization


Human and Civilization

学号:2020180393      姓名:陈思颖          班级1809103      指导老师:陆萍

The book written by Gu Hongming aims to reveal the spirit of Chinese people and publicize the value of Chinese traditional culture. And what impresses me most in this book is the opinion ”In fact, the man and woman,-the type of human beings,-which a civilization produces, it is this which shows the essence, the personality, so to speak, the soul of that civilization.”

This argument reminds me of the civilization revival in China nowadays. In the past decades of years, we Chinese put more emphasis on civilization consciousness and civilization confidence. With the accelerated development of globalization, we focus on our civilization when we are exposed to the colorful world . It does take effects because we are now more proud of our civilization than before. But behind this, our civilization revival still has many problems.

For example, when it comes to civilization, most people will think of something like antique. Admittedly, we are proud to own a priceless collection of antiques . But at the same time, we worship these things blindly. We show these to foreigners to prove how great our civilization is. We hug ourselves on these things as if we owed a whole great civilization. We purchase some antiques even at the cost of countless money. But civilization doesn’t equal with antiques. An antique alone doesn’t mean anything. Compare to the antique itself, the story about how to make it sounds more vivid and interesting. It mirrors the people and the means of production at that time, thus shedding light on our times.

 At the same time, this kind of worship is not restricted to antiques. It lies in many areas like painting and calligraphy. It is not hard to find that we are so obsessed with the ownership of these things that we forget what makes our civilization great is creation.

The creation of printing leads to a revolution of information transfer. The creation of gunpowder brings people to the world of thermodynamics. It is the creation that advances the means of production, keeps the steady progression of history and contributes to the development of civilization.

Then, who will make the creation? It is the people, type of human beings which a civilization produces. It is them who have overcome endless hardships to create the world we see today. It is the people a civilization produces who create the civilization.

Therefore, it is time we gave more attention to the type of humanity, the kind of men and women it has been able to produce when we estimate the value of a civilization. The value doesn’t lie in magnificent houses, fine roads or beautiful furniture, but in people. And I think the variety show National Treasure has set a good example. It doesn’t  just show off the delicacy or magnificence of every piece of treasure. Instead, it finds many people who are concerned with the treasures and brings the story between them alive on the stage.

To conclude, many of us are still unaware of the opinion the book illustrates nowadays. Maybe next time we should show the great people our civilization produces to foreigners, thus proving how great our civilization is.



